Chapter 34 - Anemarin/ Love

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"Hello?" Anemone called nervously into Tamarin's new cave at Jade Mountain. "Tam?"

"Anemone! Hi!" Tamarin called back softly. "Come in, it's fine. I'm just talking with Tsunami about teaching. Next year, she says the students will have lots of tests, so we have to teach well, and Webs is taking a year off."

"Hey," Anemone greeted. Tsunami grinned and replied, "Hey Anemone. I've been meaning to ask... is your magic working again?"

"Yes... why?"

"Well, I kind of wanted you and Tamarin to work on making a garden for the school, seeing as it looks terrifying and we have a lot of young dragonets coming. Like Clay's daughter Cinder, and my son Tidepool. And Sunny's daughter."

"Yep, and I said we'd get working on it, and that we're missing the next scroll in that series Starflight wrote about the dragonets." Tamarin added.

"All right, Tam. Let's go. Bye Tsunami!" Anemone said.

Tamarin and Anemone did laps of the mountain until they found a small field. They then flew down. Tamarin revealed some seeds in a pouch on her wing, and Anemone took some, ignoring the jolt she felt when Tamarin's talons touched hers.  After working in silence for maybe ten minutes, Anemone said, "Hey, Tam. I was wondering... if you would like me to fix your sight. I've been thinking about it for a while, and..."

Tamarin looked surprised. "You'd do that? For me?"

"Of course!" Anemone exclaimed. "I could do it right now. Yes or no?" She thought it was an obvious answer.

"No," Tamarin answered. "I like being blind. It helps me... sharpen my senses, makes life a little different. I think I'd like to be different, like to try something even with a disability like mine, you know? And I haven't made my place in the world yet, I'm not even sure what it is."

"Wow." Anemone sighed. "You are... something."

"That's both descriptive and kind."

"Sorry." Anemone grinned and they continued with their work. Finally, Anemone was ready to make an enchantment. She thought carefully, and then said, "I enchant the gardens of Jade Mountain, now and in the future, to be perfectly healthy even in winter, even in cold times or hot times."

"And now?" Tamarin asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Now I send a message to my brother and Kinkajou telling them to come here."


Dear Qibli,

It's me. You know who I mean. And I have to tell you something.

You have a daughter, Qibli, we have a daughter. I apologize for keeping this information from you, but I know how you feel about me, and I wasn't sure how you'd take the news. Well, she's in your care now, I suppose.

I see now I was wrong to ever leave you. I still love you, if that means anything.

From Anonymous.


"So, what will you name your dragonets?" Darkshine asked Light.

"WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!?" She cried, and then laughed. "Whoa. I did NOT know I could be that loud."

"I was thinking something like Monarch? A double meaning, you know? And directly related to Glory, so she could be a monarch."

"Good idea." Light agreed. "I might just use that."

"Nah, yours will be, like, Aurora and Borealis or Crystal or Glow or White or something."

"Then yours will be Stormshine and Starlight."

"I will kill you."

"I dare you!"

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