Chapter 29 - Swim

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"Hey Cas, can you teach me how to swim?"

Cascade blinked, snapping back to reality. "Oh, hi. What did you say?"

"Can you teach me to swim?" I mean, I want to be able to swim, and your mom says that it's fun." Ash continued. Cas nodded. "Umm...okay."

"What were you thinking about? I'm always thinking about my family, and I'm sure Cind always thinks about food, and when Autumn and Thunder get here they'll probably think about family too." Ash asked.

"That's PERSONAL." Cas growled.

"Fine, fine. I'll stay out of it." Ash sighed.

"Follow me." Cas instructed. She lead him to an underwater lake she had found, and dove in. He hesitantly took a step, and Cas grabbed Ash's arm and pulled him in. "Cas—" he coughed. "What the HELL."

She laughed. "Copy me!" She spread her wings and rested on the water. "No." He objected. "It's way too cold."  Ash was now standing on a rock ledge above the water. On a hot day. With his friend trying to teach him how to swim.

"Ha! No. Get into the water now." Cas ordered. She flew up and shoved him in, where he splashed desperately. "This isn't going well." Cas pointed out.

"Maybe I can help." Indigo suggested, diving in. Cascade hadn't realized she was there.

"I think I'm good." Coughed Ash. "But maybe... no more water today?"

"You wish." Joked Indigo.

"So why are you here? Wanted to help me shove Ash into the water, came to swim, or be the 17 millionth dragon to tell us we're soulmates?"

"None of the options mentioned, although you really are soulmates. I came to see if you could introduce me to your winglet." Indigo explained. "Okay, let me just say this: ASHCADE FOR LIFE!"

"Okay. First of all, I support you in your OTHER shipping quests, but we aren't gonna get married or fall in love. Second, why didn't Light do this?" Cas asked. Ash rolled his eyes.

"OH, I'm SO glad you asked. Light was making out with Chill, and my policy is make fan art and ship first, interrupt second." Indigo exploded.

"All right. Follow me." Cascade said, turning around and leaving the lake.

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