Chapter 28 - Light and Cas

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"Hey, Light!" Called Indigo.

"Oh, hi!" My sister called back. We were passing her and Cascade's cave.

"Come on in." Suggested Cascade. "Unless you'd rather stay standing in a hot, packed hall waiting for an opportunity to go sit alone in a cold room and do nothing."

Light laughed. Indigo and I decided to come in, but Rose said she wanted to be alone. A moment later, Sahara passed, and she too stopped in the doorway. "Am I allowed to come in? Or is this some sort of secret meeting for NightWings, RainWings and SeaWings? Should I just go mind my own business spying on Copbud?"

"I like you." Cascade announced. "Yeah, sure, join us."

"Okay, Cas. Light. Your winglet got any boys I can date? Because Stormshine is totally a thing, and Copper's taken, and Alligator's weird." Indigo said. Cascade laughed.

"You can't have Chill for reasons, you don't want Lightning, so... do you like boring dragons, nice dragons, or funny dragons?" Light asked.

"I'll think about it. You guys are in the library tomorrow, right?" Light nodded.

"Kay, so introduce me then! Oh, we have to go Shine, Sahara, Copbud's walking by."

"Okay, bye Light! Bye Cascade!" I shouted.

"Bye guys!" Light called. Cascade waved. "It's just Cas, Shine!"

I'm going to write the next part in 3rd person, because reasons. But who do you think Indigo should end up with? Also I am SO CONFUSED about what is happening with my own OC, is that normal?

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