Tagged by SofiTheWriter

451 7 22

Anemarin319 was just writing a story, when suddenly she checked her wattpad notifications and... SHE WAS TAGGED BY SOFITHEWRITER!

So then she went to the first book she saw (that was hers) and did the tag.

Fifteen facts about myself:

1. I dyed my hair pink and orange.

2. My favourite colour is orange

3. My birthday is in November (not telling which day)

4. I have a cat her name is Izzy

5. I love sports

6. My favourite movie is Back To The Future

7. My favourite fanfiction on wattpad so far is Listen, and the Stars Shall Speak

8. My brother is currently watching youtube

9. I just yelled at my mother because she wanted me to pack

10. I love camping

11. I kind of ship Winterjou / Kinter but I ship Turtlejou / Turtljou more

12. I'm going to a new school in september

13. My worst subject is science

14. I think wings of fire is a disease because I'm giving it to all my friends

15. My house just got renovated in December and January (it took two months)

I tag:










and moonwatcher71 but for some reason it won't work.

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