Chapter 10 - Fine, I'll leave

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"Shine, wake up." I was already awake. I hadn't been able to sleep that night, due to Igloo leaving. So I stepped down and followed her to history class.

"My, my, miss Indigo. You went into quite some detail in your quiz." Webs was saying when I got into class.

"Well, I know a lot about it."

"Well, here is your quiz. Good job."

He passed out all the quizzes, but I was busy listening to Igloo's mind.

No. That dream was awful. I would never ever get magic. All these tribes use it for silly things. 'I enchant this rock to make me pretty' 'I enchant my boyfriend to love me forever.' IceWings wouldn't do that.

Is he so good at lying he can lie in his thoughts? I wondered. 

And IceWings don't lie. Igloo's mind said. What a coincidence. 

I sighed and looked down at my quiz. 0%. Yep.

Indigo seemed to have gotten 100%, Sahara was around 50% because of the Clearsight questions, and Copper got most of the answers right. Igloo, Rose, Alligator and I all got all of them wrong. As everyone got up to leave, Webs stopped the four of us at the door. "You know what this means. You four–" 

"Will not be going to Queen Coral's Summer palace anytime soon." We finished. He nodded. We left.

"Indigo." I decided to tell her about Igloo. If she'd listen. "Yes?" She turned and gave me her full attention.

"Yesterday night, Igloo snuck out of his sleeping cave. He went to the exit thinking about meeting Hurricane. He left the academy. I didn't follow him, so his thoughts went out of my range of mind reading."

"What should I do? And he took your earring."

"Follow him! Tonight!" She suggested. "I'll come too!"

I didn't think I could do it alone. But with a friend...

"Okay. Let's do it."

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