Enjolras x OC

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"Enjolras, honey, you should stop working so hard." Enjolras and you had been together for 6 months. Your relationship started at a rally. You were always been scared of injections and when you got hurt at one of the Amis rallys, Joly decided to give you an injection, so your wound wouldn't infect itself. He had liked you for so long, that when you were scared of the injection, he simply kissed you. The feelings were mutual. That's how you broke the marble man. Of course people were joking around how you broke the marble man (uh Courfeyrac mostly did).
"I have to do this, y/n." "No, it can wait. Look at you. You look horrible." "Wow, thank you.", exclaimed Enjolras. "That's not what I meant and you know that." Enjolras cupped her cheek in his hands and softly kissed her. "I guess we both could use a little sleep." "Combeferre even said you should take a break. And come on, he's a doctor-in-training. He should know.", you replied. "What would I do without the both of you?" "Probably not get enough of sleep."
He buried his face in your neck. His eyes were closed when he mumbled how much he loved you.
You both fell asleep in the Café. On the next day, you were woken up by Madame Houcheloup, who helped you lying down Enjolras on the chairs.
You kissed his forehead while he continued to sleep.

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