Gavroche x OC (Modern OneShot)

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Gavroche had been in trouble. And now you were called to the principal. "Bonjour Madame, Gavroche had been sent to me because he was fighting with his history teacher.", he said. Gavroche was sitting in the chair with a big smile on his face.

"Why? What happened?", I asked. "I was teaching about the French Revolution and the monarchy.", she said. I had to chuckle. Everything made sense now. "And Gavroche here said and I quote "fuck the monarchy, the students will rise.", the principal added.

Gavroche looked at me with a smirk. "I am sorry that she thinks that the French Revolution was in 1832. It ain't my fault.", Gavroche said, "the French Revolution was from 1789 till 1799. The June Rebellion was in June 1832." You all were stunned. The principal gulped. "That's right.", he said.

"See? Gavroche only wanted to point out that she didn't get the time right. We talk here about 33 years.", I said. "I can't give you detention when you only corrected your teacher. Still, take him home with you.", he said. "Merci.", I said. Gavroche and I said our goodbyes and left.

"Tell me, where did you get this from?" "Enjolras.", he said. "Why am I not surprised?", I asked, "but I need to have a serious conversation with him. You didn't get in trouble now, but sooner or later you will." "Thank you for supporting me.", he suddenly said. "I am always here to support you.", I said.


"ENJOLRAS!", I yelled into the Café. "Run buddy.", Bahorel whispered. "Y/n, what a nice surprise. So you are looking for me. Did you find me yet?", he asked. "Stop with this unfunny jokes. Gav got in trouble today.", I said. "Oh, what for?" "They had history and they were talking about the June Rebellion of 1832. Do you know what Gavroche said? I quote 'fuck the monarchy, the students will rise'."

"I taught him well.", he said. "Is that your excuse? Enjolras, this is serious. Gav got in trouble. Please stop teaching him that. Or if you must, not with those words." "Alright. I apologize. It wasn't right. You're right.", he said. "Why the sudden the realization?" "I listen to you."

"Thank you.", I said.

(A/N: this is unedited but I still hope you enjoy this)

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