College OneShot (Modern OneShot)

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Enjolras, Combeferre, Courfeyrac 
and you we're inseparable since a very a long time. You basically grew up with them. You met Courfeyrac in Kindergarten, it was in your first year of Kindergarten when Courfeyrac's parents brought him there. He was feeling uncomfortable there so you went there, introduced yourself to him you showed him a book full of aliens. You both were inseparable since then.
He was your best friend ever since. In middle school, you saw Combeferre being pushed into the nearest locker they could find. After the group, who wanted to hurt him, cleared up, Courfeyrac and you went to him. That's how he joined your friends group. You met Enjolras in high school. You weren't having any classes with Combeferre or Courfeyrac.
During class, a boy went past your seat and knocked down your books. Enjolras helped you collect your things from the floor, when both your heads knocked together. That's how you all got together.
Now you all were going to Oxford University. Courfeyrac and Enjolras already moved in yesterday and Combeferre and you moved in today. "Oh look, y/n doesn't wear sweatpants for once." You both laughed and he gave you a tight hug. "Well, I do have to impress people. First impression counts.", you said. "We should probably find our dorm room now." "Do you have a keycard yet?"
"No." "That's gonna be hard if you want to go to your dorm." "I hope that whoever I have to live with, that he's nice.", Combeferre said, his voice full of hope.
"Fey and Enjolras are coming to help us. Enjolras just texted me, that they are on their way to us.", you said.
"Hello, you aliens", Courfeyrac said, running towards us. "And how was the first night in your dorm?"
"We didn't sleep that long. We took longer to unpack our things."
"Couldn't you wait?", Enjolras said, slightly out of breath. "You took so long for you hair, we would've already graduated when you were done.", Courfeyrac said, while rolling his eyes.
A few minutes later, 'ferre got his keycard. And apparently, we were in the same dorm. What a surprise!
The next hours were a blur. We were sharing the dorm with our two favorite dorks. Thank god, bunkbeds exist. At the moment it was already 2 in the morning. We all fell into our beds and fell asleep.

(AN: I don't know if there are rooms with two bunk beds in Oxford University. I'm in 12th grade and I've never been to college before 😂. I still hope y'all enjoy it.)

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