Courfeyrac x OC x Rest of Les Amis

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It was a normal day at the Café. You were a waitress and you were serving the boys, as usual. The leader hasn't got here yet but the rest of the boys were there already. You walked up the stairs to see Courfeyracs head in a box.

"Guys, someone get me a blonde wig and some curlers. I will look like Enjolras." "That's not a good idea.", Combeferre said, holding the bridge of his nose, "no one is listening to me anyways." "What are you doing?", you asked him laughing.

"See, even Y/N thinks that it's a good idea.", Courfeyrac exclaimed. "I never said it was a good idea. I'm honestly more worried for you, since Enjolras always carries a gun with him. He will shoot you. But you know, I am not going to clean up your blood.", I said.

He was thinking about it for a minute. "I still want to do it.", he decided. "Alright, but you were warned.", you said. You walked back downstairs to serve the other guests. After a while, you could see Enjolras coming in. "Bonjour Enjolras." "Bonjour Mademoiselle Y/N.", he said with a smile. Now you were worried for Courfeyrac.

Although Enjolras seemed to be in a good mood, it was still a risky thing to do. After an hour or so, you walked up to the meeting room. The boys were chatting. You provided them with water and bread with cheese. You knocked on the door. Combeferre opened the door for you. "Merci Combeferre.", you said.

He nodded with a smile. Then your eyes fell on Courfeyrac. You put the tray on the table and started laughing. "Oh good god, that's the best thing I've ever seen here.", you said in between laughs. The rest of the Amis were holding in their laugher because Enjolras still hasn't noticed.

"What's so funny? Why are you all laughing?", Enjolras asked before looking at Courfeyrac. When he did look at Courfeyrac, he broke out laughing. "What are you wearing? Is that a wig?", he asked, trying to stop laughing. "I tried being you. You didn't even notice.", Courfeyrac said laughing.

The afternoon was filled with laughter. Everything was alright for now. And you hopped that it would remain like that.

(A/N: for all the people who voted for the 'Courfeyrac with a blonde wig' idea. Here it is )

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