Barricade aftermath II

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You were Courfeyracs wife. Well, you were married to him until Enjolras forced him on the barricade.

Now it has been a year since your husband has died. He sacrificed his life for France, yet still nothing has changed. You, Marius and your son walked up to the graveyard. You made sure that all your favorite boys were lying close to each other. They wanted to put them in a mass grave, but you wanted them to be buried properly. You walked past Grantaires and Feuillys grave. Grantaires tombstone said: "to my favorite drunkard."

Then she found Bahorels and Jolys grave. It ripped your heart apart knowing that your boys, the boys that you basically grew up with, were lying here. Jolys tombstone said "soon to be doctor although scared of germs."
There was Enjolras' grave. His said "brave leader, good friend."
Then you got to your husbands grave. You broke down immediately. "Hi daddy.", your son, Raphael said, "does Daddy hear me? Is he with the Angels?"
You nodded. "Daddy hears and sees you. And I am sure he is very proud of you. I also know that he wishes you a happy birthday."
Courfeyrac died on his sons birthday, the 6th June.

"He is not only proud of his son, also of you. His wife. Look at you, you're still going strong. You haven't given up.", Marius said. He was there, and the ONLY survivor. "He promised he would come back to me and Raphael, he promised."
"He couldn't—"
"I begged Enjolras not to take Fey with him to the barricade. I knew why I did that. Now, I'm a widow, still grieving, even a year later.", you said with tears running down your cheek.

"I know that. Courfeyrac gave me something for you. Well, for the both of you. He said I should give it to you when you felt the worst.", Marius explained and handed her a box. Inside were two necklaces, on of them engraved with the date of their wedding and the birth of their son. The other one had the date of the birth for Raphael.
If you could, you would've strangled your dead husband now.

"He had one too. His father knows someone and that's where he got it from." The necklaces were gold and they were absolutely beautiful. You put down the flowers on the grave. His tombstone said: "beloved husband, amazing father."

"Is daddy still here? I mean inside there?" Marius nodded. Ever since the loss of the boys, he never left your side. He was afraid that you might lose yourself. He was protective around you and Raphael. He knew that was what Courfeyrac would've wanted. "I love you, Fey. And I always will. No matter where you are.", you said.

Marius picked up Raphael, he was already tired. "Y/n, we should go, Raphael is tired." "You can go with him. I want to stay here for a few minutes. I want to say goodbye to him." He nodded and walked back.

You stayed there for a few minutes. Then you slowly got up and, with tears in your eyes, you said goodbye. Then you left the graveyard to celebrate the birthday of your son.

(AN: I feel like I'm only capable of writing sad OneShots at the moment and I apologize for that. I still hope you enjoy this OneShot.)

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