Barricade aftermath

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You were Jehans younger sibling. After finding out from Marius, that the Revolution has failed, you still had hope to find your brother alive, somewhere.

You walked down the Street to Café Musain. The first thing you saw, was the leader, Enjolras, hanging out in the window. He was most likely dead. You walked around the pieces of the barricade.

You saw a few people, your friends, lying on the floor next to each other. You saw Feuilly, spotted Bahorel and Bossuet, Gavroche and Eponine were all lying next to each other. Then you saw something and it broke your heart.

It was your beloved brother Jean Prouvaire. He had his book clutched in his hand, like he used to do. Out of his pocket you could see two papers. One of them said:

"Dear y/n! If you read this, it happened. I have joined the angels up there. I will continue writing my poems in heaven as I used to do it on earth. We are gone but you live. You love freedom the same way we did. Finish what we started. If not now, do it when you feel ready. We will be watching a changing France. May your life be filled with happiness and love. "
Your beloved brother

You were shaking and tears streamed down your face reading this letter. Your brother has become an angel. You were begging for him to come back, that this is just a nightmare and that you'll wake up to him, shaking you awake.

But you knew that was never going to happen again. You noticed that not everyone has been lying here. Four people were missing. You stood up from next to your brothers cold body and walked up the remaining stairs. They must have been chopped off.

You walked upstairs to see the rest of your four friends. All of them lying on the floor, dead. But wait?
Courfeyrac still tried to move. Dead people couldn't move. Right?

"Courf!" "Please help me." His voice was weak. He probably didn't have much time left. "Can you stand up?" He shook his head. Then you did something that you didn't think you could. You helped him up and supported him the best you could. He was much taller than you so he fell on you a few times on the way to the hospital.

You took his revolutionary pin off when you entered the hospital. They would avoid treating him and he would die. "Please help me. He is wounded." Doctors and Nurses helped you and took him off you.

You had blood on your clothes. "My dear, do you want to change? You have blood on your clothes." "No thank you Madame."

Hours have past and you finally could see Courfeyrac. He had survived. And it was all thanks to you.

(AN: whoops I cried writing this. Especially the letter 😭😂. I hope you enjoy this OneShot.)

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