Gavroche x OC

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"Gavroche, are you here?" You played hide&seek with your best friend Gavroche. Your parents traveled with you from Bordeaux to Paris. You played with Gavroche for a long time, but now it has gotten dark outside and you didn't know the streets of Paris. You walked into an empty street, when a young man tried to scare you away. You called out for Gavroche but he didn't seem to hear you. "Gavroche, where are you?" You went into a dark alley and sat down. You were scared. You were crying when a man approached you. "Who are you looking for?" "My friend, Gavroche. We played Hide&seek and I couldn't find him." "I know Gavroche. I'm his friend, Courfeyrac. He's at the Café Musain. What's your name?" "Y/n." "That's a beautiful name." After a few minutes, you reached the Café. And Gavroche was waiting there. "Y/n, I was looking for you. I couldn't find you." Then he gave you a tight hug. "I was worried. Thank God, my friend found you."
"Thank you Courfeyrac."

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