Enjolras x OC

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You were fighting alongside Enjolras on the barricade. At first he had no idea that it was you. But soon Combeferre exposed you in front of him.
He was angry at first, yelling at you. That was before the first attack took place.
Soon the National Guard could be heard and the boys and you were preparing your guns and muskets.

The first attack was horrible. Marius tried to light up the barricade, risking the boys and your life. Then Eponine lost her life. And if that wasn't already the worst, it had started to rain, damaging the heavy gunpowder barrels.
You were sitting against the wall. You were scared of what was going to happen next, but you knew that no matter what it was, they were trying at least.
"Come inside. It's raining.", Enjolras said sternly. You didn't say anything, you didn't even look at him. "Did you just hear what I said?"

You looked at him and stood up from where you've been sitting. "I DID hear you. I don't want to.", you said angrily. He raised his hands in defense and walked away.
At least no one knew that you were crying, they would've thought it was rain. At one point of the night you fell asleep and awoke the next morning when someone shook your shoulders. It was Combeferre.
"Have you been sitting outside all night long?" You nodded. "You should've come inside with us."
"I didn't want to.", you said. No one understood you. Your best friend was mad at you for following him to the barricade and your other best friend had died.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you could Combeferre beg Gavroche to come back. You walked up to Combeferre to see Gavroche collecting ammunition. A shot rang out: thank god it missed him.
You climbed over the barricade. Combeferre and Courfeyrac tried holding you back. You were on the other side and grabbed Gavroche. Another shot rang out. Gavroche ran back to the other side, Enjolras shot the person who had shot the bullet and Courfeyrac grabbed your arm, dragging you away.

You were brought to the other side of the barricade. The boys were staring at you, looking for a bullet hole. And they were happy when they realized that you had none.
Soon the final battle has begun. You saw Bossuet fall, next was Bahorel. Soon you could hear Feuilly scream.
The remaining boys and you ran up to the meeting room. Enjolras chopped off the stairs to save some time.
You heard people enter and the next thing you knew was that a bullet has gone in your body. You fell on Courfeyrac, who had also been just shot. He was also still alive. You both only had minutes left.

Then you saw Enjolras about to be executed. Grantaire joined him. "Do you permit it?" Enjolras nodded. Bullets rang out and you took your last breath.

The Revolution has failed. But now, you were in a much happier place. A place, where people did rise and fought alongside you all.

(AN: this made me sad. Anyways, if you want, please check out my new story. I'm updating it soon. Leave your thoughts on this OneShot below )

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