Drunk!Courfeyrac x Drunk!OC

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"Courfeyrac, Y/n, put the bottle down.", you could hear Enjolras yell. He was in a bad mood but hey, so were you. Your father, General Lamarque has passed away earlier that day and you spent his last few minutes with him.

You were devastated. You don't know about Courfeyrac though. He had come here today and now, six bottles later he still sits here. Enjolras stomped over to the bar and took the bottle out of your hand. "Hey, I was drinking that." "You're not useful when you're drunk. What has gotten into you?", he asked.

"I'm sorry that my father has passed away. This is me, trying to not think about that." This attracted the boys. They were looking between you and Enjolras. He didn't dare to say something. "I'm sorry for your loss. I bet he was a great man." "He was. And what I want you all to do, is to fight for him. And survive, if possible.", you said, looking at them.

"What was his name?", Bossuet asked. "Lamarque." "As in General Lamarque?", Enjolras asked. "No. As in the Animal Lamarque. Yes of course, Enjolras. Do you know another Lamarque, except for me?", you asked him.

He was shocked. "I-I had no idea.", he said, stuttering. The boys continued looking at you, at loss for words. Courfeyrac was looking too. His bottle fell to the ground with a loud noise.

"Why are you drinking?", Enjolras asked. "I can't remember.", Courfeyrac said.

(A/N: whoops this is short and doesn't make any sense. I started writing my first original story and I kinda like it so far. Leave your thoughts on this OneShot below also please leave some requests because I am running out of ideas 😂)

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