Bahorel x OC

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You came stumbling into the Café. You had a bloody nose, your eye was black and you had strangulation marks. "Oh my dear lord, y/n, what happened?" "I was attacked." "How can you be so calm about this? Look at you. Wait, are you drunk?" "Perhaps." You stood up to leave the room. "Oh no, you won't go anywhere!", Bahorel said in a warning voice. You were like a sister to him.

"Who are you? My father?", you yelled at him. "Tell me who did this to you!" You sat back down. Tears threatened to roll down your bruised cheek. "He didn't mean to."

You didn't dare looking at him. "He was drunk. He was mad." "Y/n, that stranger could've killed you. Look at you. Your face." He took a soaked cloth from Joly and cleaned her bloody nose.

"Stop getting into fights. It will get you killed.", he added. "I'm old enough to protect myself.", you remarked. You didn't look at him. You knew he was right. After he was done, he got up from his seat and walked downstairs.

No one was in the backroom anymore and suddenly your thoughts were screaming at you. You knew he was right. You put down the bottle and got up. Bahorel came right behind you, because you almost fell over.

"A little drunk, are we?", he said in his normal tone. He was smiling again. "A little", you said, returning the smile. He sat you back down. "Bahorel, can you sit down?" He nodded and sat down next to you.

"What is it, y/n? Are you alright?" You couldn't look at him. You felt guilty. "I'm sorry", you whispered, "for everything." "Don't be. You didn't beg to be attacked, did you?" You both chuckled. "Don't worry. I'm not mad at you."

He hugged you tight. "Should I take you home?" You nodded. "Well, then come." You both walked out of the Café into the dark streets of Paris.

(AN: I had no idea how to finish this but my friend helped. Who should I write a One Shot next?)

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