Juliette x Courfeyrac

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(A/N: short disclaimer; Juliette is my original character and this is a OneShot based on the wedding (for those who haven't read "the city called saint Michel", Everything is explained there.)

The wedding was only a few hours away and Juliette had been pacing the halls. She wasn't ready yet and now her bridesmaid, Eponine, was dead. She had died during the Revolution. So had many of her friends.

Now Cosette and Jehan were here to give her away. They were the happiest they've ever been and Jehan even had written an poem for after the wedding. "Would you calm down please?", Jehan asked. She looked at her and Courfeyracs daughter. She was a gift send from heaven. She was also going to give the rings to Courfeyrac.

Antonia was playing with a doll, Cosette had given to her earlier. Her black curly hair was bouncing and her laugh made her heart swell with pride. Her pale skin was like snow. (A/N: lmao not snow white) It had been a year since she had been born. "Mama!", Antonia said, raising her arms. Juliette lifted the little girl up and put her on her right hip.

"Courfeyrac is more nervous than you.", Jehan said, trying to calm her down. "Jehan is right. Who do you think is more nervous? Mama or Papa?", Cosette said and then asked the little girl. "Mama!", Antonia said, raising her arms in the air. Juliette chuckled. The wedding was about two hours away now. "Antonia, will you go with Jehan and play with him? I'm sure he needs your help. Draw a little with him.", Cosette said to the little girl.

The little girl had a big smile plastered on her face and nodded. Her curly hair bounced around. She ran over to Jehan, took his hand and pulled him to a small table. Juliette smiled at the little miracle. "Let's get you ready for your wedding.", Cosette said. Cosette took care of Juliette while Jehan took care of the little girl. "Antonia, would you like to help me with a surprise? Your mother needs flowers. Do you want to help me collecting some?", Jehan asked. Antonia nodded.

They went out to get some pretty flowers for Juliette. Juliette was ready. The only thing she had to do, was her hair. "You look beautiful.", Cosette said, gripping her shoulders. Her dress was a beautiful white gown. Courfeyracs mother was working as a designer and she did this dress for Juliette. Of course, without telling him. The dress was flowy at the hip and had some decorations stitched on.

"Courfeyrac is lucky. He has such a beautiful family, a beautiful wife. And a wonderful daughter.", Cosette said smiling. Juliette smiled back at her. Now they had to do her hair. Cosette opened her hair, from the bun she had tied earlier, and her hair fell down her shoulders. It was long and it looked perfect. Cosette found some daisies and braided them in her hair. The braid was loose but still looked perfect.

Jehan and Antonia came back, right when Juliette stepped out of Cosettes bedroom. Jehans mouth was wide open and Antonia gasped. "Wow mama is a princess!", the little girl exclaimed. She handed Juliette the daisies she had collected and gave Juliette a kiss on the cheek. "The boys are waiting. We've seen them already. Are you ready? Ready to get married?", Jehan asked. Juliette nodded and Jehan offered his hand, to help her in the carriage. Soon they were all seated inside and on their way to the church.

The carriage came to a stop and Jehan got out. He lifted Antonia out, offered Cosette his hand and then turned his full attention to Juliette. Her dress was shining like snow. That moment Enjolras and Combeferre walked out of the church. Their eyes widened when they saw Juliette. "Ready?", Combeferre whispered. She just nodded.

The ceremony had begun. Courfeyracs relatives had been sitting inside, with Gavroche and Monsieur Fauchlevent. Juliette didn't have any anymore. Her closest family had died. Jehan walked Juliette to Courfeyrac and then stood next to Cosette. Combeferre and Enjolras stood next to Courfeyrac.

Antonia stood in between Combeferre and Enjolras. Soon their vows were being said and the rings were exchanged. Now it was official: Juliette and Courfeyrac were married.

(A/N: I wanted to write this soooo badly but it didn't turn out the way I wanted to. This is pretty much a part of "the city called saint michel". Leave your thoughts on this below )

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