Courfeyrac x Combeferre (modern OneShot)

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Courfeyrac had a fever. And since Combeferre was a doctor, he had decided to take care of his ill friend.

It was night when Courfeyrac had woken up from the nap. He still had a fever and he was still shivering. "Courf, do you want to watch a movie?", Combeferre asked him. Courfeyrac nodded, forgetting that Combeferre couldn't see that. "Hmm?", Combeferre asked. "Can't you see that I am nodding?", Courfeyrac snapped. Not only that was ill, he also was in a bad mood.

"How am I supposed to see if you nod when I have my back facing you, idiot?", he asked, whispering the idiot part. "Don't call me an idiot, you idiot.", Courfeyrac snapped back. "Is that a yes or no? Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yes", Courfeyrac said, sitting down on the sofa, next to Combeferre. "What do you want to watch?" "Disney.", he said. Sometimes Courfeyrac was back to his five year old self but that man was 23 already.
"Which disney movie Fey?", Combeferre asked rolling his eyes. "The Lion King!", Fey yelled like a happy little child.

Combeferre put the movie in and went to the kitchen to get Courfeyrac some soup. He came back with the soup and tea for himself. "Thank you. You really are the most amazing person ever!", Courfeyrac said in between coughs.

During the Lion King, Courfeyrac fell asleep and woke up again at the end. "I wanna watch frozen.", he said sleepy. Combeferre put in the dvd and "do you wanna build a snowman" came on. They had stopped the movie the last time there.

Courfeyrac sang along to it, coughing in between. Turns out that Courfeyrac can sing like an angel. Combeferre kept staring at Courfeyrac. How can this man sing like an angel but cough like he's coughing up his lungs? Combeferre wondered.

The song ended and Courfeyrac fell asleep once again. This time he stayed asleep and Combeferre covered him with a blanket before leaving the living room, to get ready for bed. When he came back, he took Courfeyrac's temperature and turns out his fever has gone down.

(A/N: atm I can relate to Courfeyrac because I am sick too 🤯 I'm trying to update the most of my fanfics (The City called Saint Michel will get more updates today!) I hope you enjoy this One Shot. Don't forget to leave your thoughts on this One Shot )

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