Grantaire x OC

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You were Grantaire's sibling. You both grew up in a family, were alcohol was like water to them. You and Grantaire always disliked it but soon Grantaire started to drink.

You both were members of the students group although you weren't a student. But Enjolras knew that you believed in equality so he had taken you in too. "Grantaire, put the bottle down!", Enjolras yelled.
"No!", he yelled back.

Soon this situation became heated and the screaming battle has begun. After a while Grantaire has started to cry. You ran up your brother and embraced him in a tight hug. "Leave him. You've done enough damage already, haven't you?", you snapped at the leader.

You knew exactly why Grantaire had started drinking in the first place. It was the loss of their parents. And today has been the 12th anniversary since their death. Grantaire would drink a lot more than usual, sometimes so much that he would pass out. "You are protecting him?", he asked you. "Yes, he's my brother. Leave him alone Enjolras." Courfeyrac came over to to you both.

He was the only one of the Members that knew why Grantaire had started drinking. His family took you both in when your parents passed away. And you were really grateful for that. "I'll take you both home now.", Courfeyrac whispered. "Apollo", Grantaire started. He was no longer crying but angry. "Are you trying to provoke me again?" "You don't know what y/n and I have been through! You have a family, a mother and a father. Do you know what Y/n and I have? Exactly, no one. Except for Courfeyrac.", he yelled.

You were crying. You tried your hardest not to, but when Grantaire started talking about your parents, it was over. Courfeyrac embraced you into a tight hug now and you were crying into his shoulder.
"You don't understand what it means being all by yourself. You are from a rich family. We are not. We are common people.", he continued. The boys stared at Enjolras. He had said nothing during this confession.

Only your sobs could be heard in the room when Grantaire turned around and pulled you into a tight hug. "Everything will be okay.", he whispered in your ear. Jehan also had tears rolling down his cheek.

He had always seen the siblings as happy ones. Never serious, never angry, never crying. The sight of you crying brought him to tears. He had never seen you so vulnerable as right now. "We're leaving.", Grantaire said loudly, and the three of them left the Café.

(A/N: Protective Grantaire is amazing but just Grantaire is even better (I love our favorite drunkard 😍)

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