Enjolras x Marius

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"Stop being late!", Enjolras yelled. He was sick and tired of Marius being the only one, who stumbled into the meeting room later than the others.

"I was following...", he tried but was cut off. "Who cares about your lonely soul?", Enjolras asked. The boys stunned around him. "Pardon?", Marius asked, "what lonely soul?" "I think he meant yours.", Courfeyrac whispered to Marius. He just widened his eyes.

"Well— well, uh, at least I can love someone!", Marius yelled at Marius. "Shocker!", Combeferre said, while passing both boys. "YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!", Grantaire yelled at Marius. Soon almost the entire Café was fighting. Gavroche came in and looked around. He walked up to a table and stood on it. "Listen up idiots! General Lamarque is dead.", Gavroche yelled. The boys were silent. Maybe they were stunned by the choice of words from Gavroche. Maybe even by the news.

"What did he just call us?", Marius asked. "Is your lonely soul hurt?", Enjolras asked. The planning continued to the next day. Marius and Enjolras didn't exchange a single word. You didn't wanna mess with Enjolras. You might end up dead, with a bullet in your head. And you could probably hear Combeferre say 'I told you so.'

(A/N: whoops this is short and I am soo sorry. I kind of run out of ideas. Leave your thoughts on this below )

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