Les Amis x OC

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You were at the barricade. Well, you were helping to build the barricade. The Revolution has started and everyone was running around. You had dressed up as a boy so no one would find out it was me. Except for—

"Y/n, what are you doing here? I thought we have made ourselves clear that you wouldn't come and fight!", Courfeyrac yelled at you. He was your best friend. He knew it was you from the second you stepped on the barricade.

"I know. But I am a member of Les Amis and so I am going to fight. Whether you like that or not." Courfeyrac just nodded and walked away. You thought that was it. Well, you thought wrong.

"What the hell are you doing on my barricade?" "Your barricade? The one you didn't even built yourself?", your words stunned Enjolras. His mouth was wide open and for the first time since you've met him, he was speechless.

"Leave the barricade. It isn't a game." "I know damn well that this isn't a game, Enjolras." Your yelling attracted the attention of the other boys. They kept looking at each other. No one of them dared to say a thing, they didn't want to risk to get shot by either Enjolras or you. They knew you were a good aimer.

"Please, Y/n leave. I don't want you to risk your life." "Fey, I'm not the only one risking my life. You all are. We are outnumbered. We won't stand a chance.", you yelled. You were frustrated.

Everyone wanted you to go, although you knew where you heart belonged. You sat down at the barricade and the boys went back to get the guns and the ammunition. Night fell over Paris and soon the first battle has started.

The first one to fall was Eponine. Her life was dark, yet she was unafraid. Marius tried to scare away the National Guard by trying to light a barrel full of gunpowder. What an idiot.

You had blood on my hands. You tried helping Eponine, you really did. Just Eponine was wounded too badly. You had to stay strong. You couldn't mourn over the death of your friend.

At least the boys were alive. For now at least. You grew up with them. When your parents threw you on the streets, Grantaire gave you a shelter and introduced you to the Amis.

Your thoughts were interrupted when Enjolras spoke. "Marius, rest." Enjolras was that kind of person that told you to rest, and he himself never did.

The next day had come as fast as the last night appeared. Courfeyrac came up to you and looked at you. "Don't be scared." "I'm not. I'm just wondering who's next. I know for sure that it will be one of us." You both stood in silent. You both knew that this statement was far from a lie. He cleared his throat and said:" Do not worry. Everything will be alright." He gave you a kiss on his forehead and left you alone with your thoughts.

Enjolras jumped over the last bit of the furniture. "We're the last barricade standing." No one said a thing. "Let's not waste lives. Let all the women and fathers of children go from here." It was clear. Enjolras lost hope. He knew that we were losing.

"I'm not leaving.", I said in a loud voice. "I won't either.", Courfeyrac and Combeferre half-yelled. The rest agreed with us and stayed at their positions.

It didn't take long until the National Guard came to fight against us once again. Gavroche wanted to get ammunition. But he failed. As soon as the second shot rang out, his little body fell to the ground.

Courfeyrac brought him to the right side of the barricade. You broke. It was too much. Combeferre had to hold you otherwise you would've collapsed on Gavroche's dead body.

The fighting has begun. You all fought as much as you could.

Jehan fell. Bahorel wanted to free Bossuet from a fallen chair and got shot. Bossuet fell. And soon it was only Enjolras, Grantaire, Combeferre, Joly, Courfeyrac and you. Marius disappeared in the middle of the fight.

Combeferre was shot. Joly was the next. And soon we were the four remaining revolutionaries.
Enjolras and Grantaire were shot. The fell on top of each other.

Now it was you and Courfeyrac. "Y/n, I'm not scared of dying. You have to know, that I love you. And I always will." He kissed you and the muskets rang out.

Soon you both were pierced by the bullets. Courfeyrac was brought to the angels. Yet you were still here. You felt slowly drifting away. Your last words were "I love you too, Fey." Then you took your last breath.

(AN: My eye didn't stay dry writing this. Please comment below who I should write an OneShot for. I hope you still enjoy this OneShot although it's sad.)

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