Child!Enjolras x Child!Courfeyrac (Modern OneShot)

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It was the first day of kindergarten. Enjolras' parents moved into Saint Michel, which meant a new start for the family. "Enjolras my dear, be nice to the other kids. Have fun. We will pick you up as soon as we get out of work.", his mother said to him in a calm voice. He nodded and went inside the room. Enjolras didn't like change. He wanted to be with his friends from his old kindergarten in Bordeaux.
There was another little boy. He was playing with a wooden train on the floor when another boy came and took it away from him. The boy looked up and started crying. Enjolras went to the boy, who took the toy away from him. "Give it back. It's not yours." "Go away, new boy." Enjolras pushed him so he fell to the floor. Then he took the train away from him and gave it back to the boy. "Here.", he said while handing the train back. He stopped crying immediately. "Thank you. What's your name?" "It's Enjolras." "Mine's Courfeyrac. Can I call you Enjy?" "No.", he said. "Why not?", he asked, clearly offended. "I don't like that." "You can call me Fey. Where are you from?", little Fey asked. "Bordeaux. That's in the South. I lived close to Toulouse.", Enjolras explained, "all my friends are still there and I miss them." "But you can make new friends. Well, you already have. You have made me your new friend."
Many years have past since then.
And before Enjolras took his last breath, he said
"Thank you Fey."

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