Authors Note

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Hey, how is everyone?
So I started school today and honestly my day
was okay.

The thing why I haven't updated this, is because
I have a writers block.
But I do have other stories that are getting
a little more attention from me now.

They are getting updated regularly.
Just check them out if you want.

also my very first Fanfic is ending soon?
Like what? This is so crazy!
I know exactly how this story is going to end.

I also thought of writing a sequel
but I don't know if I should
(this is about the City called Saint Michel 😂)

anyways, this is all.

If you want a specific barricade boy, please comment below (and maybe a plot because I don't have any ideas 💡)

thank you so much for reading
all my stories that I've posted so far.

love, me ♡

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