Combeferre x OC

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You were Combeferre's sister. When you were little, he would always make sure, that you were safe. When you both grew up, he started to disappear and you wouldn't know where he would go or when he would come back. You were 17 years old now and you begged him to tag alongside him. "Please 'Ferre. Don't go without me. You always disappear and no one would know where you are. Please." You tried to beg him with your puppy eyes. "It's not working this time, y/n." "This is unfair. Combeferre, please, don't leave me here all alone." Your parents threw you out after you voiced your opinion about the king. They strongly disagreed with everything you stood for. So you moved in with Combeferre.
"No.", he stated firmly. He then kissed your forehead and left the house you shared with him. You decided to simply follow him. It couldn't possibly be that dangerous. You took a jacket that belonged to Combeferre and walked out of the door. You just saw him turning into an alleyway. You ran as fast as you could so you wouldn't lose him. You catched up with him. Then an old building came into your view. The building was old, the color was already off the walls. The Letter "A" already hung down. The letters on the Building said "Café Musain." That's where he went inside. You slowly walked inside the Café but you couldn't see your brother. Where was he?
"Can I help you?", a voice called you. You froze in your steps. Then you turned around to see a little, old lady. "Oui, you could. Have you seen a young man come in? Blonde hair, possibly glasses on?" "Oh, you mean Combeferre? Yes, he's here. Why? Should I get him for you?" "No Madame, I'm his sister, y/n. He doesn't know that I followed him.", you explained.
"Y/N, that's a nice name. You look a little like your brother. He's upstairs. But if I were you, I wouldn't go upstairs. The boys have a meeting up there.", Madame warned her.
"Thank you Madame. But I need to confront my brother. I know his secret hiding spot now." You giggled. Madame just laughed. You walked up the old stairs. You were scared that the stairs were breaking underneath your feet.
You slowly opened the door to look inside when another man opened the door. He caught you in his arms. "Was that your surprise Enjolras?", the handsome man asked. "Who's that?" "Y/n, what are you doing here? Thank you Courfeyrac, she doesn't need your help anymore.", Combeferre said. "You could've told me." "Did you follow me?" "Of course I did. I couldn't stand that you wouldn't tell me the truth." "Uh, Combeferre, who's that?", the man in the red jacket asked with a raised brow. "That's my sister. I'm sorry Enjolras, she's leaving now." "No, I'm not." "Let her stay here. She will get bored anyway. No offense Enjolras.", the man with the bottle said. "We will talk about this once we're home.", he said, turning around and sitting down where he sat before.
The rest of the afternoon I spent at the Café, listening to the plans of Enjolras.

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