Courfeyrac x OC (Modern OneShot)

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You and Courfeyrac were leaving the hospital. Because everyone was at college at the time you left, Courf decided to invite them to lunch. Courf usually did that to announce good news so everyone was looking forward to lunch.

You both went home to kill some time. The boys had classes till 2:30pm and now it was only 9:00am. Courf brought a protecting hand in front of you because in the street of Paris, it was busy. Men and women were going to work and they rushed through the streets, not watching out for little kids or people who want to pass.

They reached their little home. It was a house with a garden. Courf always wanted a dog, so you got him a Yorkie. You remember how much of puppy eyes he made to make you say yes. Of course it didn't succeed. If Fey could, he would've brought six little puppies home.

Of course that wasn't possible. And he knew why. Although he didn't find out until after he got his Yorkie when you told him the news. You were the happiest person in the world and he was definitely the happiest man alive. The time slowly got around 2:00pm.

Now you both had to hurry. He took your hand once again and guided you through the busy streets. How did people in the 19th Century walk through this streets? The Café was only a few meters away when a car approached. He never told his mother. He didn't want to stay in contact with her so he cut it off completely. He hasn't told her that he was engaged to you.

"Courfeyrac, what are you doing?", his mother scolded him. "Shh, you scare her.", he tried to make her calm down. "You're not going to marry my son. I will make sure of that!", she yelled at you. "Are you threatening my fiancée?", he asked, loud and clear for her to hear. He didn't want to scare her more.

His mother walked back to the car and drove away. Then you both continued your way to the Café. "Hey are you alright? Did she scare her?" "No, I'm fine." He nodded.

"Sorry my mother!", Courfeyrac said when he saw them seated at the table. "May I be so bold? This is our newest addition: Aurore Marie.", Courfeyrac said. They boys started at her in Awe when she moved her little hands in her sleep.

(AN: I think this is much more happier than the last OneShot.)

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