Enjolras x Grantaire

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Grantaire was mad. Why wouldn't he simply understand, that a Revolution wasn't necessary? If they failed, nothing would change. The only thing that would've changed, is that they weren't there to see it anymore.
"Why can't you support me like the others? You support your bottle more than me. I thought you loved me!", Enjolras yelled at Grantaire. Then he snapped. "Maybe I don't care for your Revolution or YOUR plan!" That was the final line. Enjolras took his red jacket, put on his shoes and walked to the door. "Where do you think you're going?", Grantaire yelled after him. "Away. Don't know when I will be back. Don't wait for me." Then he closed the door and left the building. Grantaire threw his bottle of wine at the door, Enjolras used before.
Now he sat at the Sofa. With no Bottle and with no Enjolras. From his jacket, he pulled out a small box. He wanted to ask Enjolras when he came home. But now he was gone and probably didn't want to see him anymore.
He remembered when he bought the ring. He and Enjolras were together for about 4 years that day. He wanted to ask him immediately after the meeting but things didn't go as planned when Enjolras got arrested one of his rallies. He was brought to the hospital because he was also injured. Combeferre kept shaking his head after he was brought in with handcuffs.
Things were so easy back then. Thinking of Enjolras made him even more sad. He fell into a deep slumber .
It must have been around 2 or 3 in the morning when Enjolras came home. He went to Courfeyrac and he thought it was a good idea to get him drunk. Now he had to face his problem again.
He opened the door to see Grantaire asleep on the sofa. Around the door was broken glass. The floor was stained with red wine. Classic Grantaire.
He walked over to the sleeping form of his loving boyfriend. He woke him up.
"'Jolras, I'm sorry.", he said, sleepy. "You shouldn't apologize. I have to. I was an asshole to you. You didn't deserve it." "I know. I love you, Apollo." "I love you too." Grantaire was leaning in, kissing Enjolras. He tasted like Alcohol. "Have you been drinking?" "Maybe." Then it was time. He knew what he had to do. "Enjolras, I expect you to shut up for now. This is important." He nodded. "When I first met you, I knew you were something special. I never believed in love at first sight, but after seeing you, I knew that this was the case. I thought you hated me most of the time we spent at the Café. Turns out you didn't. Months later, we have been talking, and look at that, we had something in common. I kissed you. You thought I was drunk, but I wasn't. I kissed you and you kissed me back. I feel so lucky. I never thought in a million years, someone like you would even look at me. I love you so much, Enjolras."
Grantaire went down on his knee, taking out the box with the ring.

"Enjolras, will you marry me?" "YES!"

(AN: I totally didn't cry while writing this 😅 no I totally did 😂 anyways, I hope you enjoy this one shot.)

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