Child!Enjolras x Child!OC (Modern OneShot)

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You were Enjolras' little sibling. He was only 4 years older than you and now you were 4 and he was 8. Your parents took you both to the playground.
"Come on y/n, we're going to play with Sand!" You both ran to the sand.

A boy has already been sitting inside and was playing with Sand. "There's no place for you.", the boy said, pushing you out. Enjolras didn't see it because he was paying attention to his father. The boy threw sand in your face. It got into your eye and it was burning. You were crying and then you ran to Enjolras.
"What happened Y/n? Why are you crying?", he asked, holding you close to him. "That boy, he threw sand at my face, 'jolras.", you said with tears streaming down your face.
Enjolras wiped the sand away from your eyes and your hair and then he walked over to the boy.

"Do you want to play with me?", asked the boy. Enjolras took sand and threw it in the boys face. He started to cry and ran away. "Enjolras, you don't throw sand at other kids! That was not nice.", his mother said. "But he did the same to Y/n, she just wanted to play in the sand. I call it karma.", Enjolras said.
"You will go over and apologize.", his mother said. "No, unless he apologizes to Y/n!", he replied. He wasn't going to apologize until he did to you. "He threw sand in her eye. Sand hurts.", he commented, "I just wanted to help."

She nodded. "I know you wanted to help y/n but that doesn't mean you should play fire with fire." "I am not sorry. He wanted her gone but wanted to play with me. That's not okay. Girls shouldn't be treated differently.", Enjolras exclaimed. "You listened to your father too much.", she said laughing.
Enjolras wasn't laughing. It was not okay. And he was right. You ran over to Enjolras and gave him a tight hug. He hugged you back.

He would protect you, no matter how old you were. He was your older brother and he made it his mission to keep you safe from all the bad in the world.

(AN: this story is actually based on a real event that happened to my sister, except for everything with Enjolras. A boy literally threw sand in her face in kindergarten. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this OneShot.)

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