Grantaire x OC

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Grantaire was drunk (what a surprise!). You were his younger sibling and you took care of him. That meant you were working during the day and would join the meetings at night. And your lovely brother drank the entire money away (at least almost).

You came home from the factory. You were in a bad mood. The foreman had laid a hand against you once again and your brother was passed out on the couch again. At least that's what you thought. "Y/n, the man I was looking for you!" "R, I'm clearly a woman.", you said.

"Whatever", he said, wiping his lips from the alcohol. "Grantaire, what is it? I'm really tired." "Tired from what? What have you done today?", he asked, shrugging his shoulders and taking another bottle. You raised your eyebrows in surprise.

"Do you suffer memory loss? Where do you think the money is coming from?", you asked him. "I don't know, I'd like to know that too." "What? Are you serious?" "I'm wild.", he said, giggling. "Grantaire! Will you listen to me?", you commanded, standing up.

"I am working for this money. For us. I work for hours to even afford a loaf of bread. R, what do you mean, you don't know where the money comes from?", you asked, already frustrated. You were done with him and walked away. But before you could walk away, Grantaire took hold of your wrist.

You tried to get away from the tight grip but nothing. "Grantaire, you're hurting me.", your said, your voice barely above a whisper. You looked into his eyes. They were dark and full of anger. "Please, you scare me!", you begged him. You were on the verge of crying.

He still didn't let you go. Then his right hand hit your cheek. It was such a force that it send you to the ground. You were full on crying now. Grantaire took another swig of his bottle and sat back down. You were sobbing. You slowly got up and ran to your bedroom.

You locked the door. Grantaire has never gotten violent after drinking, which he always did. You were still crying and your cheek was bruised. Not only from Grantaire but the foreman hit the exact same cheek. You were looking at the clock that hung on the wall, to notice that it was almost 6pm.

You climbed out of the window and ran to the Café. You didn't want to see Grantaire. Because you were scared that he would hurt you even more. You reached the Café on time and the half of the boys weren't even there yet.

"Hey, y/n, come sit with us!", Courfeyrac yelled over in a cheery voice. You walked over to them and sat in the chair between Combeferre and him. "Oh, this looks bad, who did this to you?", Courfeyrac asked. "No one. It was myself. I fell of something.", you lied. Courfeyrac didn't buy it but left it because he noticed how uncomfortable you were.

You heard the door open and your brother came in. "Where the hell have you been?", he yelled at you, grabbing your wrist again. "Leave your sister alone. Don't you see how scared she is of you?", Courfeyrac yelled at him. Grantaire let go of you and left to sit next to the bar.

"You're welcome to stay with me, y/n. How long has this been going on?" "I fear it had only started today.", you replied. You explained him what happened but leaving out the detail that he hit you. Courfeyrac stared back and forth, not knowing what to say. "I can talk to him.", Enjolras said, who had just come in.

"You don't have to." "I know. But you are his sister and he better treat you right. I mean after everything you are doing.", he said.

After the meeting ended, Grantaire had been fast asleep on the bar stool. You woke him up. "R, it's time to go home.", you said, yet not succeeding. His snoring is louder than your voice. Courfeyrac takes a glass of water and pours it over Grantaire.

He immediately sits up, taking a look on his surroundings. "Y/n?", he asked. "Yes?", you replied. "Did I hurt you?", he asked, staring at you now. He had tears in his eyes.

You nodded, not looking at him. His face fell and he hugged you tightly. He was sobbing into your shoulder. "I am so so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I remember drinking.", he said in between sobs.

"R, I am your sister, the only family members you have. I forgive you. Life is too short not to forgive your loved ones.", you said, quoting your mother. He smiled and kissed your forehead. Then he went back to hugging you.

Courfeyrac was in awe and Jehan started scribbling on a piece of paper.

(A/N: so I decided that I'd post both parts together, so here is the new, more improved version with an ending. I hope you enjoy this.)

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