Courfeyrac x OC

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You and Courfeyrac were a couple and visiting his parents. And now it was time to return to Paris.

Courfeyrac held you hand as you both walked upstairs to the meeting room. You could hear yelling and screaming from upstairs. Glass shattering, wooden furniture breaking. You both ran up as fast as possible.
You both entered the room to see Enjolras pointing a gun to Grantaire. He was shocked and the boys were in their hiding positions. Jehan and Gavroche were crying.
You both ran up to Enjolras to avoid any deaths in here. Courfeyrac took the gun away from Enjolras and you stood in front of Grantaire.
"What the hell is going on? Why did you want to shoot Grantaire?", you yelled at him. "Answer y/n, Enjolras.", Courfeyrac snapped.

"He kept making fun of the Revolution. He was provoking me." "That's not a reason to kill someone.", Courfeyrac said, slapping his head.
"You scared them. Look, you made Gavroche and Jehan cry.", you said in a calm voice. Enjolras was close to steal the gun away from Courfeyrac when he pulled out his own.
"Don't make me use it!", he warned, "if you hurt y/n, I will hurt you." The boys were stunned. They've never seen Courf so serious.
You walked over to Jehan and Gavroche. Jehan was shaking and Gavroche buried his face in your shoulder.
"What else happened when were away?" "He tried shooting me once.", Feuilly said.

"Enjolras, give me all the guns you have. Now! Combeferre will store them for you and in the meanwhile you will calm down. You want this Revolution to happen? You were close to shoot three Revolutionaries this week. This Revolution is taking up all the space in your brain.", he said. He was angry now.
Gavroche had stopped crying and Jehan wasn't shaking that bad anymore. The boys all came out of their hiding spot. The danger was over.
Combeferre took all the guns Enjolras had (he had two more guns with him).
"Where's Joly?", you asked. "He ran away when Enjolras pulled out the gun.", Combeferre said.

"You scared them all. How much of a leader are you when the people you're leading a scared of you?", Courfeyrac said in a calm voice. He didn't want to end up with a bullet in his head. "Say it! I'm a bad leader."
"You're not. But stop translating your name into reality.", Courfeyrac said with a wink and got up. The meeting had started like nothing happened when Marius Pontmercy stumbled in.

"Did I miss something?"

(AN: I don't know how and where I got inspired to write this but thank god it did. I really liked the story when I thought of it. I hope you enjoy this OneShot as much as I did writing it.)

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