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Enjolras never looked like that. Hell, he had always looked better than THAT. Enjolras was pale, his eyes were sunken in. He looked awful.

That's what Combeferre had observed. Enjolras was ill and didn't stay at home. Then he walked over to Enjolras and sat down next to him.

"Enjolras, you need a break. Go home." "Don't tell me what to—" His sentence was interrupted by a cough. It was an awful cough. Joly must think that he's dying right now. "Enjolras, you're ill.", Combeferre said in a calm voice. He didn't want to make the leader in red angry. "Combeferre, it's just a cough. Nothing else. I'm fine.", Enjolras exclaimed.

"Alright buddy, I'm gonna plan your funeral over there.", Combeferre said. He was slowly losing his patience. Enjolras was stubborn and he would never admit, in a million years, that he's ill. Lately people have gotten ill over the holidays.

"Enjolras, are you dying?", Joly asked. He was scared that their leader wasn't going to be at the barricade. And they would lose without him.
"No, I'm not dying. I just have a cold.", Enjolras snapped.

The meeting was almost over. Enjolras got up. He was paler than before. But before any of the boys can say something, Enjolras fainted. Combeferre rushed over to him, inspecting if he hit his head hard on the floor. Thank God he didn't.

"Enjolras, come on buddy, wake up.", Combeferre said, trying to wale him up again. He had a temperature. His breathing was slow. Joly tired shaking him awake. "Make yourself useful boys.", Combeferre yelled.

Jehan ran out of the room and came back with a bowl of cold water. Courfeyrac came with five clothes and handed it to Combeferre. He soaked a cloth in the bowl and put it on his forehead. It was supposed to lower the temperature.

Enjolras slowly opened his eyes. He looked confused as to why he was lying on the floor and why the boys were surrounding him. "What—?" "You passed out. It was probably the fever."

He nodded. "Bed. Now!", Combeferre said in a stern voice. Enjolras nodded and Courfeyrac helped him up. "I'll take him home." They boys nodded to Courfeyrac and then they left the Café.

(AN: I didn't plan to update today but I have to distract myself (I lost a very important person in my life today 3 months ago 😭) maybe I'll update the other fanfics today too.)

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