Chapter 1~First Day in Gotham

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Kalilas POV
"Mom why did we have to move here instead of New York?" I asked my mother as we kept walking down the street fastly. "Because no one will be able to track us here, If Bane finds us we would be in serious trouble." My mother says as we got into our penthouse and walked inside. I have to admit for a dark and crime filled town this place was amazing.

"And your rooms even more amazing

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"And your rooms even more amazing." My mother says with a smile as I walk upstairs and my eyes lit up. "Wow." I say spinning around.

"Hun don't get to comfortable we don't know if this move is permanent yet

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"Hun don't get to comfortable we don't know if this move is permanent yet." My mother says handing me the bracket to keep my powers down. "Now remember, Keep your head down and don't talk to anyone, Got it?" My mother asks me. "Got it." I say softly. "Good now put your uniform on Jeffry's taking you to school." She says before she walked out.

Your probably very confused right now. My names Kalila Eddison. Me and my mother just moved to Gotham after my family's most hated enemy viciously murdered my father. I'm still depressed about it but I'm not showing it. Weakness means surrender to me and my mother. My family's rich but moneys not that important to me. But why are we running from him you ask? Well, My family owes him TONS of money and if he gets that money it will be the end of our lives. So we're stuck in Gotham till all that dies down.

"Kalila Hurry up or you'll be late!" My mother shouts. "I'm coming mom!" I shout as I put my uniform on and run downstairs and got in the limo as Jeffry drives away. "Are you ok Kalila?" He asks. "I'm fine, It's just been a very stressful day." I say as he nodded concerned. We arrived and I practically almost ran inside.

I went to the office as I got stares from mostly everyone. "Miss Kalila Eddison?" The principle I believe says shocked. "Yes that's me mam." I say with a smile. She smiled back and handed me my schedule. I walked away looking at my schedule. I didn't see where I was going as I bumped into someone making me fall on the ground. "HEY!, watch were your-" a guy says as he pauses and looks at me. "Sorry, I-I didn't see where I was going."

I say nervously. "It was my mistake for not moving out the way." He says holding his hand out politely as he helped me up. "So are you new here?" He asks as his mean glare softens. "Yeah, Me and my mother just moved here from New England So we've been rushing all day." I say nervously. "I'm Kalila, What's your name?" I ask. "I'm Damian." He says a bit nervously. "Nice to meet you, Sorry about bumping into you." I say grabbing my stuff from off the ground. "It's alright, Seems from your schedule I'm suppose to show you around Sorry about that, Follow me." He says as we started walking.

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