Chapter 8~First Date!

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Kalilas POV
Today was Friday and my mother got out the hospital yesterday. I haven't been at school this week cause of what happened Monday but Damian's been giving me the homework. He said he was picking me up at 6 and it was 4 so I have 2 hours to get ready. Her outfit she wears is at the top. I finished and put my black vans on.

I heard a knock on the window and I smiled and walked over and opened it. He smiled at me. "You look great." He says as I roll my eyes playfully as we got down from the ladder and started walking as he held my hand. "So did your mother get out the hospital?" He asks. "Yesterday, But she's been quiet, Jeffry's helping her." "She'll be better soon." He says reassuring as he squeezed my hand gently. "Hopefully." I say softly. "And you got a test to do Monday."

He says with a smirk. "On what this time?" I ask annoyed. "Math." He says smirking. "Damn." I mumble as he chuckled at me. "Well I'm not good in math like some people." I say with a chuckle. "Can't you just use your powers?" He asks. "I wish, But no I can only create mostly elements like fire water air lightning and plasma."

I say as he looked a bit shocked. "How do you control all those powers?" He asks as we kept walking. "It's not easy which is one of the main reasons why I have to keep this bracelet on, I wasn't able to experiment with my powers before so I don't know how to control them quite as much." I say annoyed. He squeezed my hand tightly to comfort me as I lean into him as we kept walking.

We made it and started walking around. "So what you want to do first?" He asks. "Not sure." I say looking around. He took me on the orbiter first which was really fast and high and it was AMAZING! I can tell Damian was impressed that I wasn't scared of it. We went on all the high and fast rides first and I wasn't scared except for that last one. "What the hell was that?"

I ask looking at the death machine. He smirked a bit before he hugged me. "That was the frisbee ride." He says with a chuckle. "Didn't think you'd be scared of any of these rides." He says laughing a tiny bit. "If it's spinning upside down in the air then I will." I say as he smirked. "Don't worry there aren't anymore rides like that." He says kissing my cheek as I calmed down.

We went on the other rides and they were fun and amazing. We played a few games as well and once it got dark he took us on the Ferris wheel. "Had fun today?" He asks hopefully. "Yeah." I say smiling as he smiled at me. He moves his thumb over my cheek and kissed me softly as I kissed him back. We break away slowly as I lean on him as he pulled me closer. After the ride he took me back home.

He walked me up to the door and not my balcony. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Night Damian." I say as I started walking inside. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into him as he kissed me passionately. He breaks away with a smirk. "You knew there was no way I was ending the day like that, Eddison." He whispers smirking. I touch his nose with mine. "Goodnight, Damian."

I say with a giggle as I walked inside as the elevator took me up. "So How'd your date go?" Mom asks with a smirk. "Amazing." I say as they smirked. "Are you feeling better mother?" I ask. She hugged me. "Of course hun, Now go upstairs." She says as I nodded and walked upstairs. I was still wearing Damian's jacket. A light blush formed on my cheeks and I took it off.
Hey Dum Dum you forgot your jacket.🙃
Dami😊❤️: Keep it, Looks good on you😏
I blushed and turned my phone off. I changed and closed the curtains.

Damian's POV
I chuckled and started walking back to the manor. "Demon Spawn!!" Todd says as Grayson smirked. I roll my eyes and walked upstairs as everyone laughed. I never thought I'd feel like this, Ever. Kalila Just, Makes me feel some type of way I've NEVER felt for anyone.... I really care about her....

Bruce's POV
"Demon Spawn looked some happy even if he hid it walking in the door." Jason says with a smirk as me and Alfred chuckled. "I wonder how someone like Kalila likes him." Dick asks with a smirk. "She must see something that we don't, But she brings out the best in him, Something that never happens." I say as everyone nodded.

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