Chapter 30~Surprise Visit

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Kalilas POV
My eyes opened to the sun shining threw the huge windows. I frowned when Damian wasn't besides me. Shit.. I got up and washed my face. Her outfit.

"Nice Girl now lets go!" Lynne says excitedly as we walked out with Rosalie down the street of NYC

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"Nice Girl now lets go!" Lynne says excitedly as we walked out with Rosalie down the street of NYC. "God I love New York." Lynne says looking around. "Same!" Me and Rosalie say as we all laughed. We made it to the mall where My next dance was. I have a secret talent. Aerial dancing. No one but the tv people know right now. "So what dance are you doing?" Lynne asks. "It's a surprise, It's completely different." I say as they look shocked but nodded and went with the rest of the Juilliard people. I went change and the people had everything set while I was changing.

Damian's POV
Me father and Dick came to the place where Kalila was doing a solo dance. My fathers here because the avengers need extra help with something and he's close friends with Ironman. We were on the second floor. "Wonder where she is." Dick says with a chuckle. "Alright, Now today's dance is a bit different, Kalila Eddison is doing a different style of dance, In the sky, Give it up for Kalila."

The person says as the lights went back on and we were shocked. "She can Aerial Dance?" Dick asks shocked. "Seems so." I say a bit shocked. Top. Holy shit.....I never loved her more then I do right now. Dick smirked at me as I rolled my eyes as Father even smirked at me since I told him about the soulmate thing.

Kalilas POV
I smiled at the camera. "A wonderful dance by Kalila Eddison." The tv person says as everyone in the mall clapped loudly. Lynne and Rosalie attached me in a hug. "Girl you nearly scared us!" Lynne says as I laughed.
Dick and Damian were behind them secretly spying.
"When in the world did you learn how to do that?" Rosalie asks shocked. "My mother use to be a famous dancer when she was our age, No one remembers though, And Aerial dancing is always my secret talent." I say as they chuckled. My eyebrows scrunched up and I turned around and Damian smiled at me. I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back just as much. "Hey."

I say with a happy chuckle as we let go of the hug. "Miss Acrobat." Dick jokes as he hugged me. "Just in dancing." I say as we chuckled. I went change and walked back up to them. Dick smiled as he saw the girl he looked at yesterday. I push him over as we laughed. Damian kisses me softly and breaks away. "Awe."

Lynne and Rosalie say as we chuckled. "Well were not gonna be at the royal house today we're going see Rick and Erick." Lynn says in a fake fancy voice as I snickered. "Never do that again." I say as Damian chuckled at her. They walked away. Damian smirked and nibbles my ear a bit and I knew what he wanted.

I smiled and kissed his cheek as we started walking. "The main reason I wanted to come here because you can walk down the street without being attached." I say as he laughed a bit and side hugged me. "Must be nice beloved." He whispers. "Yea especially since no one really drives in New York besides cabs." I say as he chuckled. We walked inside and he was shocked.

 We walked inside and he was shocked

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"It's huge." He says kissing my cheek. "Yeah well me Lynne and Rosalie live here so yeah it's huge." I say as he chuckled and hugged me. We went to the other room and he smirked at me. "Let me guess, Lynne?" He asks. "Yes, I let her decorate and she made it a tiny glamorous." I say as we laughed.

We went to my room as he stopped me from closing the door making me chuckled

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We went to my room as he stopped me from closing the door making me chuckled. He closed it as he pulled me closer. "I hate being away from you." He whispers in my ear as he traps me on the wall. "I never want to be away from you." I whisper. He wipes a tear away. "You won't, I'll tell you later mahbub." (Beloved).

He says looking in my eyes. We kiss deeply as he squeezed my ass a bit. My arms wrap around his neck as he took my shirt off and deepens the kiss aggressively and sweetly. He's tense which made me smirk. I took his shirt off as he picked me up as my legs wrap around him tightly. He had me on the wall as we kissed deeply. I got an idea. I start nibbling his ear as I made him turned on even more. He pinned me on my bed as he started making hickeys on my neck as a quiet moan escaped my lips as he smirked a bit and took everything else off us. I made the curtains close with my mind before anyone saw. We were under the covers as we kept kissing deeply. It went inside and things got more INTENSE. They got in on😏😏

 They got in on😏😏

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