Chapter 17~Secrets

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Kalilas POV
"WAKE UP!" Mom shouts as I nearly fall out of bed. "Mom we have a week off school what?" I ask appearing in clothes as I walked downstairs. I froze as I see Bane in the house. Bruce and Damian were spying.
My powers freaked out and powers blast at him making him fall down coughing. I felt my arm. "Shit." I mumble to myself. "Where's your bracelet?" Mom whisper shouts. Ugh.... He chuckled darkly. "Now that's not Nice, Doll." He says. My eyes snap and I punch him in the face and he fell threw the building. "Well do something."

Mom says nervously. "Yeah no killing." I say sarcastically as I caught him with my powers. "Put me down retched child." He says. I smirk. "I would watch what I say when I could drop you 10 feet from the sky putting you in a coma." I say smirking as he gulped making me smirk. "Or." I say lowering him. "I'll talk." He says quickly. "I killed Ashton cause of the damn clown."

He says as I nearly drop him. "W-What?" I ask trying to stay calm. "Joker wanted your father dead because of his plan, He made me put those powers in your system to take over Gotham." He says. My eyes glow as I use my powers on him. Mom told me to drop him and I dropped him on his ass as he groans in pain.

My eyes stopped glowing and I nearly fall unconscious as she caught me. "He was half lying He is part of dads death as well." I say catching my breath. "Did you know about this?" I ask looking at my mother. She looked nervous. "You did know..." I say standing up the best I could. "That's why you kept trying to move on so quickly." I say with my eyes hardening. "That's why your brother was killed." She says as she stopped herself as my eyes widened. "K-Keaton?..."

I ask softly. My eyes angered. I make Bane disappear onto the roof as I glared at my mother. "L-Let me explain." My mother says quickly. "So what you've been hiding everything from me? What you expect to find this out on my own and then forgive you for not telling me?" I ask sternly. "This is one of the reasons why we're mostly still here and just never told me?" I ask as tears start falling down my face.

My eyes angered and I jumped out the window catching myself with my powers as I land on the roof and started running. I jump off the last roof falling down to the ground landing on my feet and I started running towards my secret place. I looked around and let my tears out as I sat under the tree pulling my knees to my chest.

I heard too people jump down which was Bruce and Damian. "When do you too not spy on me." I ask looking at them. I look away as I look at the forest. "You ok?" Bruce asks with his voice thing off. "Not at all." I mumble looking at my opened locket of me and my father. "Since you were spying don't ask me what happened, I know you too saw everything." I say using my powers and making them disappear. "Seems I didn't know anything about what happened to my father till today."

I say annoyed as they looked at me concerned. "And on the day he got killed." I mumble as Bruce and Damian looked at me more concerned. "I'm sure she was gonna tell you sooner." Bruce says. I laughed sarcastically. "Yeah and she was also gonna say this had something to do with my dead twin brother as well." I say sarcastically.

Bruce and Damian took me back to the manor and told me I could stay till everything dies down. I didn't want to talk to anyone but Damian so he took me to his room. He held his arms out and I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back caressing my hair gently. "It's ok." He says rather softly as he kept calming me down.

After a bit I calmed down and he let go. He wipes my tears away gently looking in my eyes. "Thanks, Dami." I say as he smiled. "I'll always help you." He says kissing me softly as I kiss him back. We break away slowly. We both remembered last night and he pulled me closer gently. I move my thumb over his face as he kisses me deeply as I kiss him back. We've been getting much closer after we had.. Well you get the idea..

I smiled into it as he smirked and kissed my neck a few times making me giggle as we break away. "Maybe tomorrow when they leave." He whispers in my ear as I smiled and kissed his cheek. He picked me up and put me on his bed. I appeared in different clothes as he went change. He got back and pulled me closer to him under the covers. He moves some of my hair behind my ear as he kissed my cheek gently as I smiled and snuggled in his chest as he kept me close by him.

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