Chapter 22~Dance Battle

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Damian's POV
Something crossed my mind when we did everything and it made me realize.... I love Kalila. And I don't mean it like normal but I really love her. I looked at her on side of me and smiled. I looked her up and down and Damn my heart stopped.

Kalilas POV
I was woken up to Damian kissing me passionately as I kiss him back. "Morning." He says snuggling in my chest. I smiled and messed with his hair. "Morning Dami." I say softly. He pulled me with him in the shower making me melt as we kiss passionately. We got out dried off and I went on my phone as he changed.

He pulled me into him as my back faces him. He plants kisses on my neck as I smiled and turned around. He brushes his lips on mine and breaks away. We walk downstairs. "Hey Kalila you feeling better?" Bruce asks. I smiled. "Yeah." I say kissing Damian's cheek as I went outside.

Damian's POV
"I see you Demon Spawn!" Todd says smirking. I chuckled and walked outside not caring how there gonna mess with me later for that.

Bruce's POV
"Demon Spawn knows stuff hm." Jason says as Dick laughed and gave him 5 dollars as I chucked at them. He's pretty serious about this one. Last 3 he had were, Horrible. Kalilas changing him for the better. I looked outside and they were smiling as she playfully pushed him as I chuckled watching them.

Kalilas POV
My phone buzzed and I looked at it. "GIRL ARE YOU OK?!" Lynne shouts as Damian chuckled. "Hey, I'm fine, Calm down." I say with a small chuckle. "Girl you nearly scared Rosie." She says. "I thought my best was dead." She says as I laughed. "Kali your not dead!" Rick and Erick say as Damian smiled at me. "I'm not dead geez." I say as they laughed. I hung up as Damian squeezed me tightly.

He grabbed my hang tightly as we went see my mother. We walked inside. "Hey Kalila." Mike says. I glare at him as Damian calmed me down. "Where's my mother Mike?" I ask. "203." He says looking at Damian as we walked away. We went in the room. My eyes soften as Damian squeezed my hand tightly calming me down. "Hey hun." My mother says with a weak smile. "How ya feeling?"

I ask softly. "Horrible." My mom says coughing a bit. "What happened to you when Bane showed up?" I ask. She looked at Damian. "He knows." I say with a chuckle as mom rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Your killing me hun, Well after Bane showed up and forced your powers out he put pills in my system which made me pass out." She says as our eyes widened. "But your ok right?" I ask nervously. "The doctors said I'm fine, Calm down."

She says with a weak chuckle. Me and Damian walked out and I sighed in relief. "Scared?" He asks. "Little bit." I say truthfully as he smiled and hugged me tightly. "Your mothers fine, So calm down." He says kissing my forehead as we kept walking. "Honestly I have no idea what I do without you." I say as he chuckled. "Same here beloved."

He says smiling at me. I smiled as we kiss softly and break away. We went to dance class and walked inside. "KALILA!" My friends shout as they surround me in a hug as Damian took a picture with a smirk. "Too tight." I say as they laughed and let go. "Scared us Lil Sis." Rick jokes as he hugged me. Rick and Rosalie are 17 which is why he calls me his little sister. "Ok let go of me."

I say as Rosalie chuckled and pulled him off me. "Glad your Alright Kalila." Ms Linda says with a smile as I nodded. Ashlyn scoffed. "Your really letting this dangerous person who almost destroyed half of Gotham in here." She says as my eyes angered. "Now Ashlyn." Ms Linda starts but I stop her which let everyone know I wasn't taking this anymore. "And your a god damn Hoe who fucks someone new each week." I say with a smirk. "DAMN!" Everyone shouts as Damian smirked at me. "Who do you think you are?"

She asks sternly. "Someone tired of your shit and pathetic glares." I say smirking as everyone laughed at Ashlyn. "Alright Alright, A better way to settle this is a dance battle, Each person does a dance and whoever likes there dance more gets to stay but if they hate it they are banned from the studio." Ms Linda says winking at me as my friends smirked. "Your on." Ashlyn says glaring at me as she went first. I shake my head with a smirk as Damian chuckled and hugged me tightly which just made her angry. The dance she did was just showing how hard she's trying to be miss sexy thing.

People clapped but not my friends. "Good Luck." She says with a smirk as she walked back over to her friends. "Trust me I will." I say as Damian smirked and kissed my cheek. I whisper to Ms Linda what song to play and she started it. They cheered loudly as they surround me.

They cheered loudly as I smirk at Ashlyn. "See ya!" I shout as she screamed frustrated and walked out. "LIL SIS!" Rick says hugging me as I laughed as my friends hugged me tightly. "Miss Savage." Lynne says with a smirk as I snicker. After it was over Me and Damian walked back to the manor. "Look at miss Thing and her crazy dance." Jason says as I smirked as Bruce chuckled at me. "I know things." I say sassily as I walk upstairs like a boss.

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