Chapter 35~Damians Birthday

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Kalilas POV
My eyes opened and we were in the bed in the treehouse with absolutely nothing on. It was legit the final level of our relationship and it was.... Holy shit amazing! "Morning." Damian whispers kissing my neck a few times. I snuggle in his chest. "Morning." I say as he smiled as we kissed softly and broke away. I told my aunt were we were so she wasn't worried. Least it has powers and water so thumbs up for my powers.

We took a shower as kissed almost the entire time. We dried off and changed. I check my messages from Lynne when Damian nearly scared me as he squeezed me tightly from behind me. "Sorry I scared you beloved." He says with a chuckle as he kisses my neck making me smile. He kept his arms around me as I teleported back to my aunts house. "We can go back tomorrow if you want."

I say messing up his hair a bit. "No, I rather go to New York with you earlier, That way you won't get this upset again." He whispers pulling me closer. I touch his forehead gently. "Dami you don't have to do that for me you can stay in Gotham if you want I'm not special." I whisper. He tightened his grip on me. "Stop saying that Kalila, You are special, I love you more then my father or anyone else,

We may be Soulmates but you mean more to me then anything else, Never say your not special." He whispers as he tightened his grip on me again. I want to be with him forever...... "No ones, Ever cared about me as much as you have, People always ignored me most of the time." I say softly as I looked in his eyes. He caresses my cheek. "I would never ignore you beloved."

He whispers looking in my eyes. "Your always going to be important to me no matter what happens." He whispers as wipes a tiny tear away. We stared in each other's eyes in silence. Something both crossed our minds at the exact same time. His eyes softened as he kisses me softly as I kiss him back exactly the same. He wraps his arms around me softly as my arms went around his neck. We break away after a few minutes. His eyes sparkled. "So, New York tomorrow?" I ask. He smiled. "Always." He whispers as we kiss passionately and break away.

It's been a month since then and it was Damian's birthday! I woke up early and changed.

It's been a month since then and it was Damian's birthday! I woke up early and changed

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I walked downstairs. "Damn you make anything look good girl." Lynne says with a smirk as I laughed. "So where you taking Damian?" Lynne asks with a whisper. "One of his favorite bands, He doesn't like birthdays cause when we were 16 I had to drag him downstairs." I whisper as they smirked. "And we'll be gone at night if you want him in his birthday suit."

I smack her as she and Rosalie laughed. "Maybe." I whisper. "You to would do the same thing." I whisper. "True." They both say as we laughed. I walk upstairs. I smack him with a pillow as he jolted up. I giggled. "Come on get dressed I got a surprise." I say with a snicker.

He looked me up and down as he smirked and went get changed. He's lucky I love him cause he checked me out. He changed and pulled me closer. "I'm trusting you this once, Don't make me regret it beloved." He whispers nibbling my ear. "Hey it's a good surprise now come on." I say grabbing his hand as we walk downstairs.

I made him keep his eyes closed as we walked down the street. I smiled once we made it. "Open them." I say as he opens them and squeezed me tightly. "See I know things." I say as he chuckled. "Yes you do which made me love you even more." He whispers kissing me softly as I kiss him back as we break away.
Just imagine what concert they went to.
It was over as Damian kissed me passionately as I kiss him back. "How did you know I liked this band?" He asks. "Hey, I notice things, Besides been 3 years." I whisper kissing his neck a tiny bit as we kept walking. "I got 2 more surprises for you and don't run away this time."

I say looking at him. "Well Since Jason and Dick aren't here I won't." He says smiling at me and kisses my cheek. We went back to the penthouse and I went get his preset. I appear behind him and smiled. "Happy Birthday!" I say with a giggle as I hand him his present. He rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he took it. He took it out and it was a frame. I could tell he loved it. He picked me up making my legs wrap around him. "You know your crazy."

He says with a smile as he pecks my lips a few times. The frame has pictures of us from 15 to now. "Shows how much you changed." I say messing up his hair with a gleam in my eyes. He kisses me deeply as I kiss him back just as much. He holds me up holding my ass as we break away very slowly. "And what is that other surprise?" He asks with a gleam in his eyes. I smirked. "That you'll find out in a second." I whisper in his ear making him a bit turned on.

Ok there is no scene cause of reasons. Trying to keep my stories clean but they did have S** and it was the full thing so.... Yeah... But there's a twist you'll find out in the next few chapters.😏😏

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