Chapter 13~Anger Issues

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Kalilas POV
Since it was summer we didn't have school. And since my mother was gone with Mike to Africa I was stuck with the people who argue "SHUT UP TODD!" Damian shouted. I sigh and went to the backyard. It's been a few weeks and he's been madder then usual. I sat under the tree and put in my headphones.
With Bruce and Alfred spying on her..
I still heard them yelling and I turned my music up louder. It was a sad song which made me remember my father... a tear fell down my face. I looked at the pictures of me and my father. My eyes angered and I got out of then and took my headphones out. My phone buzzed. "Hey Lynne." I say looking at the sky. "Hey dance class is today, Is Damian coming?" She asks. More yelling was heard. "He won't be there."

I say with a small chuckle. "Good cause this dance we gotta preform is... different." She says. I cringe a bit. "Fine, My mothers in Africa with Mike and I know somethings up with him, And I need to figure out what that is later." I say looking at my locket. "Sounds horrible, Why do you not trust him?"

She asks on speaker. "How could I not, Everything is shady about him, And I can tell for a reason I can't say." I say standing up. "Well hurry up, And it's outside this time!" She says excitedly. "But in a park obviously." She says as we both laughed. "So a nicer version of a street dance I'm guessing?"

I ask as she laughed. "Exactly, Now hurry up and get your ass here." She says with a chuckle before she hung up. I appeared in different clothes and started walking towards the park. I made it as Lynne hugged me. "Come on girl!" She says as she dragged me over to Rosalie Erick and Rick. "Hey Kalila." Everyone else says as I smiled. "Yeah the dance isn't as bad as I made it sound I just wanted to see if you were gonna come or not." She says making me laugh a long with everyone else. "But it's a dance festival that we're doing so we're doing a lot of dances." She says. "Yes!" I say excitedly as they laughed.
Jason and Dick were watching like everyone else in disguises.
"Alright the dancers for this festival are the ones from Olend Dance." The person says as everyone clapped. "Our first dancer is one of the best students Kalila." Ms Linda says as my friends cheered loudly as I walked on stage. "WOO!" Erick and Rick shout as I rolled my eyes playfully as I started dancing once the music started. It's up☝️☝️
Lynne and Rosalie cheered loudly with everyone else. I walked off as Erick and Rick attached me in hugs as Lynne and Rosalie did the same. "Now you got your first dance recorded on your phone." Lynne says handing it to me making me laugh.

Damian's POV
I don't know where Kalila went but I haven't talked to her that much but when she gets back I will. My phone buzzed and I answered the call from Todd. "What Todd?" I ask annoyed as it was FaceTime. "Hey Demon Spawn your girlfriend can dance." He says as Father walked over as Todd showed they were in the park that was a dance festival. She started dancing and we watched it. Damn....

Kalilas POV
The festival was over and I went back to the manor. No one was here which means there out again. I went to my room Alfred gave me since Damian's been a bit mad lately. But it was next to his so yeah... I nearly screamed when I saw Damian was there. "At least tell me your in here nearly scared me."

I say calming my powers down making my eyes stop glowing. He chuckled and walked up to me. "Sorry Eddison." He says caressing my cheek. He been ignoring me for a week now. I remove his hand and walked away. "You haven't talked to me in a week." I remind him as I looked away. "I know, Father has me busy with some things, And I'm... sorry I haven't talked to you."

He says grabbing my hand and turning me to look at him. I look at him for a moment and he was telling the truth. I smiled and kissed him softly making him a bit shocked but he kissed me back pulling me closer. We felt different which from my powers said he likes me even more. He turned me as my back faces the wall. I have no idea what happened after a minute but it got more heated. He was on a chair as I was on his lap. We broke away for a bit staring in each other's eyes. "Where's everyone else?" I ask softly. "Out till morning." He whispers looking in my eyes. I smiled and hugged him as he hugged me tightly. We stayed like that for a while.

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