Chapter 10~A What??

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Damian's POV
My phone buzzed waking me up. I look on side of me to see Kalila sleeping on my chest as I smiled softly. "Eddison." I whisper. "Go away." She mumbles in her sleep as I chuckled at her quietly.

Kalilas POV
I felt someone's lips on my neck as my eyes opened and I got up. "Morning." He says with a smirk. "Hey Dum Dum." I say with a smirk as he rolled his eyes as I giggled. My phone buzzed and I checked my messages. "Dance." I say smiling as he rolled his eyes. "Fine, You stay here." I say appearing in new clothes and with my hair brushed.

I put on a specific outfit for dance to make Damian go. "Nope give me a minute." He says going change. I smirked. He walked out and made my back face him. "I know you tricked me Kalila." He says with a smirk as he whispered in my ear. "Your welcome now let's go." I say as we walk out and made it inside. "Kalila Damian, Perfect timing."

Ms Linda says smiling. "I need you too to learn this dance with Rosalie, Lynne and Erick." She says as he rolled his eyes. "Ericks dating Lynne, Calm down." I whisper as he looked at me and nodded. We walked over to them. "Hey you too." Rosalie says smiling. "Hey." I say with a real smile. "Damn I feel so weird being in a group with couples."

She says as we laughed. "Hey Ricks over there he's not far." I say. Rick smiled at her as she blushed. "Yeah." She says as me and Lynne chuckled. Damian and Erick went learn there parts in a room and ours in another. There right next to each other so we can see what there doing. "Do you have anything black to wear it's a kinda dark dance."

Rosalie says. "Yeah hang on." I say going into the changing room and appeared in a black sleeveless shirt with the back showing and dark blue jeans. I walked out and they were amazed. "Wow, You look amazing!" Rosalie says as Lynne nodded excitedly. "Why thank you."

I say sassily as we all laughed. We practiced our moves and we walked back into the main room. "Alright, Let's see what you guys got." Ms Linda says as Damian looked at me a bit shocked. We got in positions and stared dancing. At the top☝️Damian on the right.

They clapped as me Lynne and Rosalie finished the last part. "Nicely done Kalila, You pick up the dance quickly." Ms Linda says as Damian smiled at me. Everyone else did there dances and I went back over to Damian after the last one. "You look different." He says. "Yeah." I say looking at myself in the mirror. "You don't like wearing black?"

He asks curious. "I mean I like wearing black It's mostly what's in my closet, But sometimes I look in the mirror and I see someone meant to be a weapon." I whisper as he looked at me concerned. He grabbed my hand as we walked out. "Follow me, I need to show you something." He says as we started walking.

We made it to a hill that showed a huge building on the mountains and I was confused. "That's where I lived most of my life." He says annoyed as I looked at him shocked. "My mother makes those brainless people to be perfect assassins, And." He pauses as he grabbed my hand. "She was making me a weapon." He says as my eyes soften as I looked at him. "She raised me not to have emotions, Or feel anything basically."

He says as he looked away from me. I smiled and grabbed his hand. "Hey, The only thing that matters is that you do have feelings, You just hate showing them, Something I noticed on that "date"." I say as he knew what I was talking about. "But hey, And your able to feel things all the time, So your not emotionless or a monster."

I say knowing what he was thinking about as he looked at me. "I sometimes read people's thoughts, But I haven't invaded your thoughts just other people." I say as he calmed down. He hugged me tightly as I hugged him back. "Thanks, Kalila." He says using my actual name this time as we break away from the hug. "Always."

I say softly looking in his eyes. He grabs my face and kisses me deeply as I kissed him back. We both felt different which was a good thing. He turned me making my back face the tree. My arms wrap around his neck as we kept kissing.
Y'all ready? I don't think you are😆😆

Talias POV
"Talia you need to see this." My dad says as he took me outside. "Is that?" I ask shocked. "Damian and some girl." He says. "They been like that for 4 minutes." He says as my eyes widened. He had her against the tree as they were making out. I gasped as I realized what happened. "Yes............That's Damian's Soulmate."

Damn! Excuse my French there...

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