Chapter 29~Dance For Charity

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Kalilas POV
"Dami it's just a few days." I say with a giggle as he kept his arms around me tightly. "I'll be back right after I promise." I say kissing his cheek as he chuckled. "Alright, But why are you going back to New York?" He asks. "That is because Juilliard sorta made this promise that the dancers would perform for something." I say as Dick and Jason nodded. "Now come on best before we're late."

Lynne says. "Nope we're teleporting there, it's quicker." I say as she rolled her eyes. "Man I hate your powers." She says as everyone laughed. "Why can't we be normal for once?" She asks. I smirked. "Because that is completely boring and not fun." I say as Damian and Bruce chuckled at me.

She linked our arms as we teleported to our apartment. "ALIENS!" Rick shouted. "Oh it's just Kalila and Lynne." He says as we laughed. "Nice to see you to Rick, Now get out we gotta change." Lynne says pushing him out the door as we laughed. We put on the outfits and damn we looked good. "DAMN look at us." Lynne says checking herself out as we laughed. We took a picture and I posted it on my instagram.

Damian's POV
"Damn..." Dick and Jason say as father chuckled at them. They put on the channel Kalila said as Alfred and Father laughed at them. "Here comes the dancers from the prestigious Arts school Juilliard." The person says as we see all of them show up on the screen.

Kalilas POV
We started dancing outside as people surround us. At the top, Kalila in the middle. The people around us clapped as Lynne and Rosalie hugged me as I laughed. I was the captain which was obvious to everyone cause of my different leggings and socks. "This dance team is gonna be dancing in different places for the next few days to raise money for charity."

The person says with a smile. "WOO!!" Rick and Erick shout as Lynne and Rosalie laughed. We walked away as the camera people turned them off. We made it back to our apartment and fell on the couches. "Damn today was exhausting." Lynne says as we chuckled. "No kidding we dance for almost an hour." Rosalie says with a chuckle. "You know when you got this penthouse for us I didn't think we'd be able to figure out who gets what room."

Lynne says as we all laughed. "We worked it out, You got the room with the huge mirror, Rosalie got her own couch In her room and I got the huge closet for all my clothes." I say as we chuckled. "Not to mention your own balcony." Lynne says with a smirk as I chucked. "Yep easier to practice my powers." I say as we all nodded.

Kalilas room

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Kalilas room

Kalilas room

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Lynne's Room

Rosalie's Room

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Rosalie's Room

"And since you bought the place you got the biggest room, I got the second." Rosalie says with a chuckle. "I hate huge rooms so you too enjoy that." Lynne says as we laughed. I went to my room and closed the door. I smiled as I looked at the other side of my room.

 I smiled as I looked at the other side of my room

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My phone buzzed and Damian was calling. "Hey." I say with a smile as we were on FaceTime. "You killed that dance!" Jason shouted as I chuckled. "I know who you too looked at if you want there numbers." I say with a chuckle as Bruce laughed. I sent them to them. They walked away as we all laughed. "You also forgot to mention you were dancing to raise money for a charity."

Tim says with a smirk. "You were gonna find out." I say with a smirk as they chucked. They walked away and it was just Damian. "So where are you now?" He asks. "In my room." I say showing him. "Looks huge." He says with a chuckle. "Perks of buying the place." I say as he smiled at me. "And funny thing is the Avenger tower is right there."

I say showing him the building that stands out. "They bug you a lot?" He asks with a smirk. "Mostly." I say as he chuckled. I knew he missed me. "You can always come visit Dami, I'm never busy for you, Ok?" I ask. He smiled and nodded. "Night." I say hanging up. I miss him EXTREMELY. Those two have there boyfriends and mines Stuck in Gotham. Since were basically bonded it's VERY hard being away from the other one. I changed and got under the covers.

Damian's POV
Damn I sense her emotion from here no matter how hard she tried to hide it. I haven't told anyone about why me and Kalila are very close all the time. Father knew something was up so he took us down to the cave. "Alright what's up?" He asks serious. I had to tell him. I told him about it and he told me something.
Ha sorry you won't know, Sorry 😆

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