Chapter 33~Thinking Of Someone

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Kalilas POV
I was wide awake at 1am thinking about my brother and how he could have possibly been alive if he didn't try to save me. I was outside looking at the nature. I know Bruce and Jason were down in the cave working on a mission so I kept quiet.
Not that quiet since they were spying.
I was already changed for the morning so I looked at the stars. I wonder if Keaton is one of those stars up there. I was leaning against the tree when I noticed a shooting star as my eyes squint as I looked at it. If I could wish for anything it would be that my brother could be alive today and still be with me.

I look around and close my eyes as I make a memory appear. I open them and it was right after my brother was killed by Bane. My eyes watered but I let it play.

I woke up in time to see 10 police officers hauling Bane of to the more crazy Insane Asylum as my dad ran up to me extremely fast. "K-Kali I am extremely sorry please believe me." My Father said trying to shake me out of it. I looked at myself and I was empty and emotionless. "H-He's dead." Is all I was able to get out. I pointed at Him and Fathers eyes widened once he saw the scythe be taken out his neck. Father walked up to me quickly. "This won't happen ever again Babydoll I promise."

Father says trying to keep me from crying. "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted and stormed inside the house. "What's going on?" Mother asks. "What's going on is FATHER GOT KEATON KILLED trying to use us as his DAMN PLAY THINGS!"

Little me shouted as tears fell down my face fastly. "If you choose different people NONE OF THIS SHIT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED AND HE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE NOT TRYING TO SAVE ME FROM THAT ASSHOLE!"

I shouted as they were quiet as they looked at me. "Kal- NO YOU SHUT THE HELL UP, I HATE YOU AND IM NEVER DOING YOUR DAMN EXPERIMENTS AGAIN!" I shouted storming up to my room and I slammed the door as everything broke off the house.

I make it disappear as I keep myself calm. Tears fall down my face and I felt insane right now. I clutch my locket tightly. "Least they stopped after that." I whisper to myself. I close my eyes tightly. "I need to go to New England." I say standing up. I get my phone out and call my aunt. "Kalila!" Aunt Claria says excitedly. "Hey Aunt Claria I'm coming to New England today, Can I stay with you for a few days I just need to be away from everything."

I say softly. "Of course dearie your always welcome, Your just Lucky I wasn't asleep it is 3 am." She says on speaker. "1am over here, Been a lot on my mind." I say softly. "I know dearie can you teleport here?" She asks. "Yeah I remember where it is, I'll see you in a bit." I say hanging up. I wipe my tears away. I send Damian a text and teleported inside. "Kalila." She says softly as she hugged me tightly as I cried softly.

Damian's POV
"So she went to New England after remembering everything about her brothers death." Dick asked softly. "She'll probably be there longer." Father says looking at me. I sense her emotions this is insane I can tell she's crying and I can't comfort her.

Kalilas POV
"Are you alright now sweetie?" My aunt asks letting go of the hug. Not really. Only Damian knows how to comfort me. "A little bit." I say as she wipes my tears away with a tissue. "You were thinking about him again?" She asks softly as I nodded. "Oh sweetie." She says hugging me tightly. "Thanks auntie." I say softly as we let go of the hug. "Stay as long as you want, I changed your room up before you got here since it took you a while to get here." She says as I nodded. I walked upstairs and went inside as I smiled.

She lived by the ocean which I loved

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She lived by the ocean which I loved. I always loved her house. I miss Keaton but I need to be away from Gotham and New York. But not Damian. My phone rang and I answered. "Kalila are you ok?" Damian asks softly. I sniffled a bit. "No, I don't want to talk about it Dami, I just need to be away from everything Gotham and New York, I'm at my aunts house in New Zealand."

I say softly. "Beloved I could have gone with you if you want me to." He says softly. "Your busy with Bruce's mission." I say. "I don't care about that mission all I care about is you cause I can sense your emotions." He says softly. "In a little bit Dami I just want to be alone for a bit, Love you." I say softly as I hang up. I appeared in different clothes and went to sleep.

Kalilas POV
My eyes opened and it was 4pm. I can sense he's a bit on edge cause I'm not with him. Man I love him. I changed and walked downstairs. "Hey Lila I made lunch since you slept threw breakfast." She says as I sat at the table. "Thanks auntie." I say with a smile. "I heard you on the phone, Your boyfriend knows about your powers?" She asks with a smirk.

"Yeah, I don't know if you know him he's half demon." I say as she looked a bit shocked. "Damian Al Ghul." She says with a tiny shock. "What?" I ask confused. "His grandfather sorta knew you'd be his Soulmate I never told anyone else cause I didn't want you to freak out."

She says with a uneasy smile. "It's Wayne now, He stays with his father now." I say as she nodded. "Well you can bring him here now if you want, Since he's basically the only one who will ever know you exactly." She says with a smirk. I blush a bit as I teleported in his room. He noticed me and hugged me tightly. I teleported back to my aunts house in my room.

We break away from the hug as he caresses my cheek. "Are you ok?" He asks softly. "Better that your here." I say hugging him tightly as he hugged me back tighter. He buries his face in my neck as he calms me down. After a while I calmed down a lot more as he kisses my shoulder blade and breaks away. He kisses my forehead making me smile a bit. "So this is your aunts house?"

He asks looking around. "Yeah she lives by the ocean so it's peaceful which is why I wanted to come here." I say wiping a tiny tear away. He picked me up and set me on my bed as he sat next to me. "You don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to Beloved." He says softly. I shake my head and tell him anyways. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

He asks softly as he looks in my eyes. "I hate being weak." I mumble looking away. He tilts my chin so I'm looking at him. "You are not weak, Your amazing, It's ok to show feelings, Isn't that what you told me?" He asks with a small smirk as I chuckled a bit as I looked at him. "Can't believe you remembered that." I say with a small chuckle.

He smiled and made me sit closer to him. "I remember everything." He whispers making me smile at him. "Thanks, Damian." I say softly as he touches my nose. "Always." He whispers as we kiss softly. "Besides, It has been 3 years I know mostly everything about you."

He says grabbing my hand with a smile. "Weird thing to say, But your grandfather sorta knew we'd be together and he told my aunt, She told me earlier." I say as he looked a bit shocked. "But she didn't tell anyone so they wouldn't freak out."I say as he chuckled and made me even closer to him. "If everyone knew I'd probably have never talked to you, But."

He pauses as he kisses my cheek. "I'm glad I did, Even if I did knock you down on accident." He says smirking at me as I rolled my eyes playfully. I still had Keaton on my mind. He moves his thumb over my hand. "Why are you mostly here?" He asks softly as he looked at me. I chuckled softly as I looked away. "See their graves." I mumble as he looked at me very concerned. He wraps his arms around me tightly as I bury my face in his chest as he rubs my back.

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