Chapter 6~Bad Memories

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Kalilas POV
It's been a few days and thanks to Damian I had my
powers controlled. We surprisingly became sorta best friends. "Kalila." Damian says walking over to me. "Hey." I say with a smile as we started walking. "So how's your powers?" He asks whispering. "Calm, Cause my mother wouldn't be able to fix this." I say showing my bracelet as he chuckled a bit.

He sighs and drags me away since he kept getting stares from every girl. "I hate when those clowns stare at me." He says sternly. "Hey, Stay Calm." I remind him. He looked at me and he calmed down. "Better." I say smiling. "Ooo Demon Spawn!" Jason says smirking at us. Stephanie smacked him on the face as they walked away. I snicker. "What?" He asks. I point at Jason and he had loser on his back as he smirked at me. "You?"

He asks. I had spray paint in my hand and made it disappear as he smirked at Jason from afar. "Kalila Eddison." My eyes angered at the familiar voice and I turned around. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask looking at him coldly. "Here for a few months." He says smirking at me. "You better stay the hell away from me before I get your ass arrested." I say sternly as he walked away quickly. "Ex?" Damian asks looking at me. "Horrible mistake." I say glaring at my ex as he kept walking away. "Come on." He says grabbing my hand as we went to our first class.

It was time for lunch and me and Damian sat with Stephanie and Jason. "Hey Kid, Want to tell me what happened to my jacket?" He asks making me smirk. "I spray painted it." I say with a smirk as Damian chuckled at Jason's reaction. "Damn you got a bad side in you Kid." He says as I shrug with a smirk. "I was gonna put Im a asshole kick me but I was being nice."

I say as Stephanie and Damian laughed. "Damn Kid what did I do?" Jason asks fake hurt. "Calling me Kid for one." I say as Damian smirked at me. "Cause I am 15 for another thing." I say as Stephanie glared at him. "Alright I'll stop messing with ya Lily." He says with a smirk as I roll my eyes as they laughed.

I noticed my ex and I glared at him. "Oo who's that cutie?" Stephanie says as Jason glared at her. "My ex." I mumble as her and Jason look at me shocked. "How he get here?" Jason asks. "Don't care." I say truthfully. "How'd you to break up?" She asks. "Long story, he played me and my 2 best friends back in New England and we all got him arrested for almost raping a 9 year old."

I say as their eyes widened. "Lease there eyes aren't on me for once." Damian says annoyed as Jason smirked at him. I check my phone and my eyes widened. I call her back as they looked at me. "Kalila you need to come home quickly." I walk away and went outside by the tree. "Why what's going on?" I ask. Damian was listening.
"Bane escaped."

She whispers as I nearly drop the phone. "What the hell do you mean Bane escaped?!" I whisper shout. "Get here now before he finds-" "Mom?" I ask as my eyes started to widened. "Not again!" I say as I started running towards the penthouse and I went upstairs. I ran in. "Shh, Your mothers sleeping." Bane says evilly as he looked at me.

My eyes watered. I blast him in the face and he fell down coughing. He chuckled darkly and threw a knife towards me but something knocked it away landing on the ground. Two people jumped down from the roof as the bats started attacking him. I ran up to my mother and checked her pulse. "Oh thank god." I whisper. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, See this button here activates that pathetic girls powers that's on the ground."

He says as I felt my neck as the two looked at me. I looked at Bane and my eyes angered and I blast everything at him and he fell down unconscious. The two looked at me shocked. My eyes were fixed on the ground as I catch my breath. My energy drained and I fell unconscious.

Damian's POV
We brought Kalila to the cave when she was unconscious. Her laying there like that is driving me crazy. "We're getting that chip out her neck since she's unconscious." Father tells me as I nodded. They started the surgery and I calmed myself down once they opened her skin. "That thing is huge, How in the world did it get in there?" Todd asks shocked. "No idea but it's not staying there."

Father says as he took it out carefully. He stitched it up as she was still unconscious. "How'd Saturday go?" Father asks. "I didn't say anything yet." I say as he gave me that look but dropped it. "Lies he did a tiny bit just didn't actually tell her." Grayson says with a smirk. "I'm not talking about this." I say annoyed as everyone chuckled. Her eyebrows scrunched up which meant she was in a bad dream as everyone looked at her. The monitor was able to show her dream.

Kalilas POV
I was in a black space walking around. Your pathetic, "SIS DON'T LET ME DIE!" My brother shouted in my mind. Every bad memory was being shown at me. "Strap the bitch down and give her the drug."

Bane said as he put the huge needle in my neck as I watch myself scream. "Your a god damn weapon meant for nothing but destruction!" Bane shouted in my mind. "Weakness means surrender, Don't show anyone who you truly are." My dads voice said in my mind.

I jolted up as my eyes were watery. Tears fall down my face and I was silent. I sensed people were around me but I didn't notice them. My inner thoughts haunted me. I looked at them and I transported to my room and collapsed in tears.

To be continued in next chapter.

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