Chapter 21~Awe

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Kalilas POV
It was the next day and I stayed in the room they gave me and I didn't want to see anyone but Damian, And mostly not him either. "Kalila can I come in?" Damian asks. "It's open." I say softly as he walked in and closed the door. He walked up to me and hugged me tightly as I hugged him back tighter. "It's ok." He whispers caressing my hair which he knows what helps calm me down.

I bury my face in his neck as he rubs my back to help calm me down. After a bit I calmed down and he breaks away. "You ok?" He asks softly caressing my cheek. "No." I say softly. He grabs my hand gently as he takes me to his room as he closes the door. "Tell me whats wrong." He says softly as we sit on the couch. I told him everything that they saw happened once he took me to the manor. He held his arms out and I snuggled in his chest. "What if it happens again?" I ask softly.

He smiled softly. "It won't happen again, I'll make sure of it, I don't want my girlfriend to be sad everyday." He says moving my hair out my face. "Why do you care about me so much, I'm really no one special, The whole time I've been in Gotham I'm almost being killed or raped." I say. He smiled softly as he makes me look at him. "Your very wrong Kalila, Your very special, Your Intelligent, Strong, Creative, Sassy."

He says tickling my chin as I giggled a bit. "There's no one I care more about then you, Your the only one who didn't judge me about my past out of everyone else." He says kissing my cheek as I was still in his chest. "Thanks, Damian." I say hugging him tightly as he hugged me back. "Your welcome."

He whispers bringing our lips together softly. "And." He pauses with a smirk. "ladayk muthir lildahisha." (Your amazingly sexy.) I blush and playfully smack him as he chuckled at me. "Shut up." I say with a smile as I bring our lips together as he held my hair. We break away as he chuckled at me. He was on the end of the couch and I was laying on his legs. "Thanks for cheering me up though."

I say messing with his hair. He glared at me for a bit before he chuckled. "That's what I'm here for." He says smirking. I almost got up when he pulled me back down. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asks planting kisses on my neck. I rolled my eyes. "Alright." I say as he smirked and put me in his lap as he put a movie on. He went lock the door as he put me back in his lap making me giggle.

Halfway in the movie Damian started planting kisses on my neck on my sensitive spot. He knew and smirked as he kept doing it. "Tell me stop and I will, Beloved." He says which turned me on. I kissed him deeply as he smirked and kissed me back deeper. He pulled me on his lap as I deepen the kiss.

Damian's POV
Damn... I need to do that more often. She tugged on my shirt and I smirk and took it off as I kept kissing her. I know I turned her on which made me smirk.

Kalilas POV
He starts kissing on my neck as he unbuttons my shirt. He took it off as he kissed me deeply before he started kissing on my chest. He kissed both sides before he kissed me deeply as I kissed him back just as much. He pinned me on the couch and went down to my stomach as he smirked and kisses it in different places. He went back up and kissed me full of love and... lust as I kissed him back giving him his answer and man he wasted no time.

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