Chapter 12~Secret Truth and Love

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Damian's POV
I jolted up after a dream and I noticed it was 12am. Eddison slept on the couch despite me telling her she can sleep on my bed, but she didn't want to be a bother which is ridiculous. I noticed she was up to but lost in thought.

Kalilas POV
"Mothers trying to forget you even existed father." I say softly. "She's changing way to fast and I can't even forget what happened." I say softly. I had a flashback of how he died and I felt my neck as a few tears fall down my face. "And I'll never forget you Father." I say softly looking at my opened locket of me and my dad when I was 5. I closed it holding it tightly. I've been up all night talking to my father like I always do to pretend he's still around. Damian's a heavy sleeper so he hasn't woken up but I'm not checking. I put my headphones in and played a song that anyone could hear.

Damian's POV
I heard her earlier when she was talking about those experiments bane did to her and I was for once really concerned about someone. I walked up to her quietly not waking her when I heard the song playing in her headphones. I looked at her softly as I took them out as she was still sleeping. I picked her up carefully and walked her to my bed. I put her under the covers and she was still fast asleep which made me chuckle quietly. I got under and cautiously pulled her closer as she snuggled in my chest. I chuckled softly as I looked at her. She doesn't know she's doing this which made me smirk quietly. I wrap my arms around her as I went to sleep.

Kalilas POV
My eyes opened and I noticed I was in Damian's bed. He must have moved me in my sleep. I was snuggled in his chest as he had his arms around me. I moved him quietly and got up. I appeared in new clothes as I looked at him as he was still sleeping. I write him a note and kiss his cheek before I teleported to get something.

Damian's POV
I was already up as I smiled and sat up. I read the note and smiled. I throw it away and changed. "JASON GET BACK HERE!" Grayson shouted as I growled and walked downstairs. "Hey Demon Spawn Where's Kalila?" Todd asks with a smirk. "Get her charger, Nothing happened Todd." I say annoyed as he frowned a bit as Father and Pennyworth chuckled a bit. Me and father walked down to the cave. "I know you want to know about Kalila." I say stopping him. I told him everything except for the things she doesn't want me to tell anyone.

Kalilas POV
I got my charger and put it in my bag. *Boom* I walked outside when I saw a man dressed like a clown who blew up a building. "Ooh, Hey doll." He says as he traces a knife to my neck. "Bane talks all about you Kid." He says as I try not to scream. Bruce was spying in his suit about to jump down.
"Funny, You look just like that pathetic Father of yours who use to be one of my allies." He says as my eyes widened and I blast him towards the wall as my eyes were angry. My father was allies with insane criminals?!? He laughed manically as I cringed and tried to hide my fear. "It's very true dolly." He says darkly.

My eyes glowed which meant I was about to kill him when Batman dropped down in front me. "Run." He tells me and I turned into a shadow and ran away. I didn't go back to the manor I went to my secret place no one knows about. "That's what got him killed." I whisper to myself softly.

I got my phone out looked at my moms contact. "Like she would care with Mike." I say sarcastically as I got off it. "Is Mike another ex?" A familiar voice said. I growl under my breath and turned around. "What the hell do you want now?" I ask my damn ex. "Can't stop by to see my ex?"

He asks with a smirk. I smack him hard in the face. "Hell no, Cause your a damn stalker who tried to rape a 9 year old." I say as his eyes widened. "Oh yes I very much now about that, Now I wouldn't go around me again before I get your ass arrested because I also saw you shot that girl." I say as he ran away quickly. I smirk. My phone buzzed from the news. "Yay." I say sarcastically as I teleported back to the manor. Damian attached me in a hug. "Are you ok?" He asks very concerned as we were in his room.
Bruce was spying.
I chuckled and made him look at me. "I'm fine, Stop being so worried, I have powers." I say showing a tiny bit of them as I make them disappear. I been gone for a few hours after the attack. "'ana dayimaan qalaq ealayk" (I'm always worried about you.) I smiled and hugged him as he hugged me back.

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