Chapter 19~Love..

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Damian's POV
It was morning and memories of last night went in my mind and I looked at Kalila sleeping on side of me. I don't care what my mother says about me and Kalila... I truly care about her... And I sound insane right now.. but..... I actually love her........

Kalilas POV
"Kalila." Damian whispers. "Hm?" I ask not paying attention. He chuckled and caresses my hair. "I don't know if you can hear me or not.... But, I.... love you." He whispers sincerely. My eyes opened as I smiled big. "I love you to, Dami." I say bringing our lips together passionately as he pulled me closer. We break away as he rests his forehead on mine as I smiled at him. We stayed like that for a while enjoying each other's presence.

Bruce's POV
"I say 5 dollars those two did it." Jason says with a smirk as Alfred chuckled. "Never know with those two." Dick says as I chuckled at them.

Kalilas POV
Damian walked out and wrapped his arms around me tightly making me smile. "Ready to go?" He whispers in my ear. "Yeah." I say kissing his cheek as we walked downstairs. They know where were going already so we just walked out as he grabbed my hand after. He pulled me closer as we kept walking.

We walked inside. "Heyy!" Lynne says hugging me. "Your crazy today." I say with a smirk. Erick smirked and grabbed her hand as they walked away. Damian squeezed me tightly as I smiled at him. "Alright, Everyone we're practicing the couples dances so get to it." Ms Linda says as Damian smiled and grabbed my hand. Ashlyn was so shocked that he never notices her anymore which made me chuckle.

He's always so happy around me and I finally knew why today. He loves me.... I smiled. "Remembering something?" He asks in my ear. "Yeah." I say touching his nose as he smiled. We practiced our new dance and we were so lost in each other it was unreal. Lynne and Erick went first and there chemistry was real. "Damian and Kalila." Ms Linda says smiling at us. He removed his arms from my chest as we got ready. At top. They clapped as Damian kissed my cheek. We went back to where we were as he put his arms back around me tightly.

Bruce's POV
He loves her...... I can tell. "Demon spawns in love." Jason says with a smile. "Your not making fun of him?" Dick asks softly as he looked at them. "I know I do that all the time but that's cause he's him but he's different with Kalila." He says as we looked at them and how they were. He had his arms around her chest as she was leaned into him. "Especially Since Kalilas trying to deal with what her mothers been hiding from her." I say as everyone nodded.

Kalilas POV
After it was over Damian took me on a walk. "So, Are you feeling better yet?" He asks as we stopped at our place. "A tiny bit, Not fully, My mother could have been told me that but she decided to hide it from me." I say as he looked at me concerned. "Maybe in a few days you'll feel better."

Damian says caressing my cheek. "When I'm with you I feel better." I say as he smiled and wrapped his arms around me tightly. We leaned in and kissed softly and break away as he smiled at me. We walked back to the manor. We walked inside as I let go of his hand. They weren't looking so I kissed his cheek and went upstairs.

Damian's POV
Father took me down to the cave to talk. "Do you care about Kalila?" He asks. "What's that got to do with anything?" I ask a bit nervously. He chuckled. "It's very obvious you care about her." He says. "Yeah, I do care about her." I say a tiny bit shocked as he smiled at me.

Kalilas POV
"Hun please don't hang up let me explain!" My mother says frantically on speaker. I sigh. "Ok you have 2 minutes." I say calming my powers down.
"Look I didn't want to tell you because you had to much going on already, With Bane always trying to kidnap you and those weird bats."

She says as I chuckled a bit. If only she knew. "And I didn't want you to know your brother was apart of this because I know you miss him." She says. "But hun I was protecting you cause I didn't want you finding out yet till your powers were calmer."

She says. "But Mom you could have told me all that before I had to find out from Bane which was really annoying Cause I almost killed him." I say feeling my bracelet. "To be honest you should have at least put him in a coma." She says with a small chuckle as I smirked. "Mom."

I say with a smirk as she chuckled. "We're not good yet cause you should have told me before he did, I'll see In 2 days cause I'm assuming Mikes there cause I hear him In the background." I say as she faked coughed making me smirk. "I hate those powers of yours at times." She says. "And another thing, When I am there keep your noises down."

I say holding my gag as Jeffry laughed in the background. "You heard that?" Mom asks. I gag a bit. "Why do you think I blast my music." I say shivering as Jeffry chuckled. "I told her about that" Jeffry says. "Not good enough Jeffry." I say as he chuckled. I hung up. I shiver grossed out. Damian wraps his arms around my chest as I smiled. "Seems you and your mother made up a tiny bit." He says. "Tiny bit." I say turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck. He touches my nose with his. We kiss softly and break away. I hug him tightly leaning on his shoulder as he hugged me back tighter.

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