Chapter 5~Sorta Date

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Damian's POV
"Damian can I talk to you?" Father asks as we walked down to the cave. "Do you know who killed Kalilas Father?" He asks. "What's this got to do with anything?" I ask stretching. "Bane killed her father." He says as I nearly choke. "His real name is Alexandre Dumas' Edmond." He says as I look at it. "Shows exactly what happened." I say shocked as he nodded.

"Bane what the hell do you want besides nearly killing my daughter with your god damn experiments?!" I'm assuming Kalilas Father shouts. "I want the girl, All those "experiments" were to make her a god damn weapon and I didn't want to do it to anyone I cared about." He says as her father threw him across the room. "And I need that money to do it."

He says grabbing his neck. Kalila was watching the whole thing using her powers. Her father looked at her and she mouthed No but you can clearly see she was terrified. "Not if we were the last god damn people on earth." He says sternly. "Fine have it your way." He says as he took a sword and sliced his neck open as Kalilas eyes widened in complete fear as tears fall down her face.

Her whole body glowed and she tackled him to the ground and blasted her powers in his face as he screamed in pain. He fell threw the wall and landed on the next floor. "You and your mother run." Her father said weakly. "What about you?" She asks with her eyes full of tears and her voice cracking." I won't make it Pumpkin now go, I love you." He whispers before his eyes rolled back and he was lifeless. Her mother ran in and grabbed her arm and pulled her out the building as it exploded.

He turned it off and I was angry at Bane. He kept his hand on my arm tightly. "No killing, Cause I can clearly see you care about Kalila." He says making me choke in complete shock. "Impossible." I say sternly. "I can see it Damian I'm your father." He says with a smirk. "And let me tell you something."

Sorry y'all won't know haha 😂

Kalilas POV
School was canceled cause of the weather which was a good thing, Bad thing is that it's raining and storming. "Hun I'm going to Mikes house." My mother shouts as she closed the door. I sigh. I heard a knock on the window and I opened the door to find Damian. "What are you doing here?"

I ask with a chuckle. "Well I was... Uh wondering if you wanted to... Uh watch a movie?" He asks. I smiled as I looked at him. "Get in here idiot of course." I say with a giggle as he got inside. "Where's your mother?" He asks. "Her boyfriends house, Jeffry's here though." I say as he chuckled a bit. "Already made you guys popcorn." Jeffry says putting it on the table as he walked out closing the door. He put on a movie as we sat close by each other.

Damian's POV
Father wants me to stop pushing away my feelings but I don't- She sat even closer to me which made my face heat up. "Just tell me if I'm too close." She says looking at the movie.

Kalilas POV
"Your not." He says reassuring making me smile as I look at him for a second before I continued watching the movie. During the middle of the movie Damian looked like he was thinking of something. He's so adorable and nervous, I knew why he was here cause of my powers but he's not calling it a date but I know it's intended. "You Alright?" I ask. "Good why do you ask?" He asks me. "No reason." I say leaning into his shoulder as he tensed up but didn't tell me move.

Damian's POV
Why is she making me so nervous? "Stop hiding your feelings Damian." My fathers voice says in my mind. She giggled after the man fell on his ass. "Don't be stubborn and accept those feelings." My fathers voice says again. I looked on my shoulder as Kalila was smiling with her eyes sparkling. "Don't wait to long or you'll lose her." My eyes soften as I look at her softly. I won't..... Just hope this goes well.

Kalilas POV
Thunder strikes and the power went off. "There's the end of that." I say sarcastically. I got off his shoulder and got a candle. I use my powers to create a light. "There." I say sighing as he chuckled a tiny bit. "Damian, Why did you come here today, I'm not anyone special." I say laughing sadly. He grabbed my hand making me look at him. "You are extremely wrong, Eddison,

I never talked to anyone they way I talk to you, Your very interesting and mysterious and you seem like someone who needs help, And you know what I mean." He says looking at me as I looked away. Huge thunder striked and it scared my powers. I caught the fire before it hit the wall. "And, I fixed that bracelet."

He says getting it out his pocket and handed it to me. "How?" I ask looking at it. "Well, My Father has certain tools lying around and I was able to fix it." He says looking at me. I smiled and hugged him which made him a bit tense but he hugged me back. My eyes scrunched up and he hugged me tighter.

Damian's POV
Wow.. hugs from those street rats are nothing compared to this. We broke away from the hug as our faces were close to each other. Her Ice blue eyes were staring into mine and I couldn't break eye contact with her.

Kalilas POV
Thunder striked and he looked away nervously. Damian's phone vibrated and he looked at it. "Could I stay here for the night the weathers not going to stop till after tomorrow." He says. "Of course you can, Your always welcome." I say as he nodded.

I walked out and gave him some clothes as he looked at me. "Use to belong to my twin brother, But I won't say what happened to him." I say as he nodded and went change. I looked around and opened a secret chest.
(As he watched.)
I took a picture of me and my twin brother out the box. I looked at it sadly. "'ana asif ya 'akhi." (I'm sorry brother.) "kan eali faeal shay' ma." (I should have done something.) "lakunani kunt 'akhaf , lays baed alan." (But I was to scared, not anymore.)

I put it back in the box and made it disappear with my powers. "You miss him don't you?" Damian asks behind me. "Sometimes." I say honestly as I looked at him. "When your a twin and when something happens to the other, It's like half of you is missing." I say as he nodded. "We don't speak of him anyone cause it just, Yeah." I say as he nodded understanding.

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