Chapter 34~Cheering Her Up

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Damian's POV
She's really hurting over her brother and I have no idea why she won't tell me. I look at her sleeping on my shoulder with a sad expression. I know I'm not suppose to do this, But I sorta can see her dreams, But I only do that when I'm extremely concerned about her. Some are about me though obviously. (😏) Her eyebrows scrunched up and I grabbed her hand tightly as she calmed down a bit. I look in her dream and it's what happened after her brother was killed. I see everything and I get out her dream concerned about her. I need to help her.

Kalilas POV
My eyes watered as my eyes opened. "Hey, You ok?" Damian asks softly. I hug him tightly still laying down as he put his arms around me. "I know you saw what my dream was, But it doesn't matter, None of it matters cause I can't change anything." I mumble as he looked at me concerned as he makes tiny circles on my back to keep me calm. "I hate when you frown Beloved, You need to smile."

He says as we sit up. "Come on." He says helping me up as we get dressed. I just appeared in different clothes. He wraps his arms around me tightly as we walk downstairs. "We'll be back." I say. "Just be safe." My aunt Claria tells me with a smile. I chuckled a tiny bit as me and Damian walked out holding hands. "So what did you use to do in New England?" He asks.

I started thinking and I smiled for once. "Follow me." I say dragging him by me anyways which made me chuckle. I made it and he looked around in shock. "Where are we?" He asks. "This is where I use to go with my dad, Seeing the ocean and all the trees helps me calm down the most." I say as I sensed my eyes light up as I looked around. "You love nature a lot."

Damian says as he smiled at me. "Yep it helps me stay calm." I say looking at the ocean. After a bit I noticed Damian smiling at me. "What?" I ask with a smile. He smiled and pulled me closer. "You and your love of nature." He says caressing my cheek. "Well, Nature doesn't compare to you though."

I say hugging him as he smiled and hugged me back. "So, you love me more then nature?" He asks as he brought me even closer with a smirk. "Always." I say kissing him as he kissed me back wrapping his arms around me. We break away slowly as he caresses my cheek. "Feel better?" He asks. I giggled. "Of course." I say wrapping my arms around his neck as I looked in his eyes. "I gotta show you something else."

I say as we kept walking. He rolls his eyes at me with a chuckle. "It may look normal but." I say dragging him inside as he looked a bit impressed. "This is where I spent most of my time. "It's hidden with magic." I say as he chuckled at me. "Your only able to see if cause I let you see it." I say as he kissed my cheek. "Keaton wasn't even in here, He was always with my father."

I say as he smiled and pulled me closer. "Your the only one who knows about it." I say pecking his lips. "I mostly came here to run away from those experiments but also cause I could be completely myself." I say as he smiled at me. We walked upstairs and it showed the whole view of the ocean. I leaned on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around me. "So what did my girlfriend do up here?"

He asks with a smirk. "I use to love to paint and sing surprisingly but I don't sing anymore cause it wasn't as fun." I say as he looked at me surprised. "Mostly my mini home, I built it with my powers." I say with a smile as I looked around. "I stopped coming here when I was 13 cause of everything." I say with a sad smile. *Boom* it started raining as I got a flashback and chuckled. "What?" He asks wrapping his arms around me. "Just thought of when we were 15 and you were in the rain, You were adorable." I say kissing his cheek with a giggle. He rolled his eyes but picked me up and placed us on the couch in here.

"Well, Since it's raining I know what we can do

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"Well, Since it's raining I know what we can do." He whispers in my ear as he nibbles it with a smirk. I blushed a bit as we kissed passionately. Damn I know it's the Soulmate thing but man I love him every time we kiss. It was storming outside and we were making out inside. (😏)

He was leaning me against the couch as it kept getting a bit intense but we both didn't care. We broke away after 7 minutes which was damn a lot and plain Amazing. He chuckled softly as he rested his forehead on mine as I touched his nose. It was still storming outside as he smirked and caresses my cheek. He starts kissing on my neck until he bites it gently and from that Soulmate thing I knew what he was doing. He kissed me softly as I kiss him back.
If you don't know what he did he basically marked her so 😏
We break away as he looked in my eyes as I looked in his.

Damian's POV
I didn't want to do that before because I wanted her to trust me, She does trust me which made me smile at her. I'll never be with anyone else besides her. "Thinking Dami?" She asks messing up my hair a bit. "About you." I say as she smiled. But Damn when she looks at me it's like her eyes see in my actual soul. But then she gave me that look and my heart stopped for a minute but I knew it didn't matter. I kissed her deeply she kissed me back just as much. She got on top of me and the rest was an amazing blur.

Sorry about that.... French again *Cough*Cough*

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