Chapter 2~Common Interests

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Kalilas POV
I walked inside school and everyone was staring at me and I didn't know why. I went to my locker and opened it. "Hi your Kalila right?" A girl with huge blonde hair and brown eyes asks. "Yeah why?" I ask. "I see you were hanging around Damian Wayne, Are you too dating?" She asks with a fake voice. "Oh! No he was just showing me around." I say with a fake smile as I turned to look at my locker.

She slammed my locker. "Look I know a fake bitch when I see one, Damian is mine." She says sternly as she punches me making me fall on the ground. She laughed and walked away with her friends. "Are you ok?" A girl says running up to me. "Not really." I say softly. "Here let me help you." She says helping me up. "I'm Stephanie what's your name?"

She asks. "Kalila." I say. "Oh your that girl who hung around Damian yesterday." She says with a smirk. "No he just showed me around I just moved here yesterday." "Ohh from where?" She asks curious. "New England." I say as she looked shocked. "Well here's some advice, Damian doesn't really interact with anyone to be exact, And that girl, He hates her, So don't worry about that bitch girl." She says as I chuckled a bit. "I wasn't I was gonna curse her out but you know."

I say as she laughed. "Girl that would have been awesome!" She says as we both laughed. "What's your schedule?" She asks taking it out my hand. She squealed. "You paint?" She asks excitedly. "I LOVE it." I say smiling. "I have that class too let's go!" She says dragging me along as we walked inside. "Miss Brown your late."

The teacher says. "Sorry Miss Kema, I was helping the new student." She says with a smile. The teacher smiled at me. "You must be Kalila Eddison I believe?" The teacher asks. "Yes." I say politely. "Very well take a seat girls." She says as Stephanie pulled me by her which was next to Damian. He noticed the mark on my face and I looked away. "Alright now since it's miss Kalilas first day, Everyone paint a picture about themselves."

She says as I tensed up. Damian just rolled his eyes. I got some paints and started painting. Once I finished Stephanie and Damian looked at it shocked. "Wow, That's amazing Kalila, what does it represent?" Miss Kema says amazed. "It represents my love of nature and everything around me, I should always try to be happy even when things get me down."

I say smiling at it. "Wonderful Miss Kalila, Your a natural born artist." She says with a smile before she walked away. I felt my face where the mark was as Damian pretends not to see. The bell rang. "I'll see you at lunch girl." She says before she walked out. "Who hit you?"

He asks sternly as we walked down the hall. "None of your business, Someone here." I say sternly as I almost kept walking when Damian grabbed my shoulders. "Who hit you?" He asks more serious. "Some girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, Now get off me." I say removing his hands.

Stephanie walked up to us. "She punched her right in the jaw." She says as Damian looked at me a tiny bit concerned but Stephanie didn't see it. She smirked at us. "Call me later." She says hugging me before she walked away. I roll my eyes. "Ok she is way to girly." I say as Damian chuckled a small bit. "That's Todd girlfriend."

He says with a smirk. Damian grabbed my arm and pulled me away after he saw someone. "What?" I ask. "Be quiet." He whispers. He dragged us outside. "It's that girl that punched you." He says. "I'm not scared of her." I say about to walk in there when he stopped me. "I wouldn't."

He warns me. "Why do you care so much about what I do, People just ignore me most of the time." I say looking away. "I really don't know." He says truthfully as he looked at me. I weirdly had myself looking at him as well. "You.... you seem different then everyone else, And I don't talk to anyone." He says making us sit on the ground. "I am different then other people but if I told you you would just turn me away like everyone else." I mumble.

Damian's POV
I've never felt this weird towards another being before. But she looks like she's hurting inside so I kinda want to help her, Like I do when I'm Robin.

Kalilas POV
Me and Damian talked all the rest of lunch and surprisingly I learned a good amount about him and him the same which was a bad thing because he can learn my secret. "We have some things in common then I previously thought." Damian says looking at me. "Maybe we do, But you stay by yourself to not talk to people, I stay by myself because I don't really have time to make friends cause of things."

I say feeling my power blocking bracelet on my arm. "What's that?" He asks noticing the bracelet on my arm. "Something I got when I was a baby." I say as he nodded looking at me. The bell run and we got up. Damian's phone buzzed. He rolled his eyes. "My fathers having "a guest" over so can we work on the project at yours today?" He asks. "Uh Yeah, Sure, We can walk there it's not that far."

I say as he nodded as we started walking. Once we made it he looked a bit shocked but didn't say anything. The elevator opened and we walked inside. "Kalila we need to discuss- Uh who's this?" My mother asks. "This is Damian we're working on a project." I say. "Nice to meet you Miss Eddison." He says politely. My mother smiled. "I'll tell you later I'll let you too get to it." She says as I rolled my eyes as we went to my room. "Your house is interesting."

He says as we sat on the ground. "Yeah But the money doesn't mean much to me, But its very different from Where I lived before." I say as he nodded. We got started on the rest of the project and we actually finished it in time. I sigh in relief. "I brought you too some snacks."

Mom says with a smile. I sigh annoyed as Damian smirked a bit at me. My mother left closing the door. "Don't mind her." I say as he chuckled a bit and nodded. "She seems nice enough." He says with a smirk. "She's always like that around people I bring to the house." I say very annoyed. "Sounds like those street rats in the manor."

He says annoyed. "Aren't they like your brothers?" I ask. "Hardly." He says annoyed as he tried some of the snacks. "What is this?" He asks curious. "That is called Hokey Pokey, it's a honeycomb toffee." I say with a chuckle. "It's good." He says as I smiled.

Damian's POV
I've never seen her smile before. I can't fight these feelings for Kalila. I do......... like her....

Jeffry's POV
I went check on them when I noticed the two teens fell asleep on the couch. Kalila on one side and Damian on the other. I went downstairs. "They fell asleep." I tell Miss Eddison as she chuckled. The phone rang and she answerd. "Eddison." She says. "Damian?" She asks. She chuckled. "Yes they fell asleep after working on their project." She says. She put it on speaker. Damian's father chuckled. "Thanks for telling me Miss." He says before he hung up.

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