Chapter 31~Ice Skating

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Damian's POV
DAMN..... Last night was magical! I grabbed her hand on side of me as she smiled and snuggled in my chest as I smiled and kissed her forehead.

Kalilas POV
Damian plants kisses on my neck making me giggle. "Dami." I say with a giggle as he stopped and smiled at me. We kissed entirely full of love which made me melt completely. We break away as his eyes sparkled. "What were you saying last night?" I ask softly. He smiled and grabbed my hand tightly. "I'm staying with you, I talked to Father about it."

He says making my eyes light up and I attached him in a hug as he chuckled. "And before you ask I'll still be there for 5 months, Then I'll come with you and Tim will take over." He says caressing my cheek as he looked in my eyes. I smiled and grabbed his face and kiss him softly as he kisses me back. We break away as he smiled at me. We took a shower but we kissed the entire time and it was amazing.

 We took a shower but we kissed the entire time and it was amazing

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We got out as he put a towel around us as he pulled me closer. He smiled and kissed me passionately as I kiss him back. We dried off and changed. I got on his back as he walked down the stairs. He set me on the couch and sat next to me. I snuggled in his chest. "Everyone decent?" Lynne asks with a smirk. I threw a pillow at her as everyone laughed. "Aww look at you too." Rosalie says as Damian hugged me tighter. "And what did you four do?"

I ask. They all blushed as Damian smirked at them. "Alright point taken." Lynne says nervously as everyone laughed. "Mhm." I say as Damian kissed my cheek. "If he's staying for good I better not hear noises." Lynne says. "Same for you and Erick." I say as they blushed deeply as I laughed. "Agreed." She says. I look at Rosalie. "Me?"

She asks shocked. "Ro we hear you too most everyday." Lynne says as Damian and me laughed. "Alright, No noises." She says as everyone laughed. I whisper to Damian and he smirked. "You got powers so that's a good thing." Lynne says as they chuckled. "I'll make them soundproof."

I say in quotes as everyone laughed. "Alright enough about that we need to get ready." Lynne says as I chuckled. Rosalie checks how much we raised and she almost stopped breathing but Rick patted her back. "That's a whole lot of bacon damn." She says as Damian chuckled at her. Me and Lynne check it. "Holy shit." We both say shocked as the rest looked at it. "900,000." "And we're raising more today god." Lynne says trying to calm down as I pat her back as Erick chuckled at me.

Lynne's phone buzzed. "Oh it's the dance we gotta do." She says as me and Rosalie surround her. "Ice dancing?" She says. "YES!" Me and Lynne shout as they chuckled at us. "Partners, It don't start till 8." Rosalie says as me and Lynne calmed down. Damian smirked and pulled me closer to him. "Guess we gotta ice dance." He says with a smirk. "Shush." I say as Lynne and Rosalie smiled at me. "Come on theres a ice rink nearby."

Rosalie says as we got changed into different clothes and made it inside. "You use to ice dance?" Lynne asks noticing my smile widened. I chuckled. "What can I say I was meant to be a dancer." I say as everyone laughed. "And my dad taught me before I could walk." I say as Damian smiled at me. We practiced our duets and me Lynne and Rosalie practiced our solos which we also had to do. It was 7. "WE GOT IT!"

Me and Lynne shout as Damian and Erick chuckled at us. Damian is a natural ice dancer. We went back to the penthouse to change. The solos were first obviously. I put on my secret outfit and walked out. Damian pulled me closer as I felt him. "laenatan tabdu jayidaan fi dhalik." (Damn you look good in that). Damian says with a smirk. I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Later we can do some things." I whisper in his ear as he smirked and kissed me deeply. "No Pda."

Lynne says with a smirk as we chuckled and broke away. "He's right thought, You look amazing." Lynne says hugging me. "Thanks." I say sassily as we laughed and started walking to the place. I had a cloak on though for the dance. "Wonderful you girls are here, And boyfriends I'm guessing?" Our Juilliard tracer Ms Tiffany asks. "Yeah."

I say as she smiled at me. "Wonderful, So Kalila your solo is first, Ans yours and Damian's duet is last to keep the people here." She says with a smirk as we all laughed. "Got it." I say with a giggle as Damian smirked and kissed my cheek.

"Alright the last day for these Juilliard dancers so give it up for our first dancer who's the by far best is Kalila Eddison!" The person says as everyone cheered loudly as Damian smiled at me as I skated on the rink.

Don't worry about the names👌
They cheered loudly as I waved and skated off. "That was amazing!" Lynne says hugging me tightly as I laughed. Damian kissed me softly and breaks away as I smiled. They smirked at us as we chuckled.
Lynne's Dance

Rosalie's Dance

"Girl your amazing!" Lynne says as me and Damian chuckled at her. Damian had his arms around me as he kissed my head making me smile. I was in the next outfit ready to skate. "Red is definitely your color." He whispers in my ear. I smirked and kissed his cheek as he turned and kissed me deeply and breaks away with a smirk.

I giggle and fixed his hair as he turns me as my back faces his chest. "Damn you to are adorable together." Rosalie says with a smile as he kissed my cheek. "Now for the duets first is Rosalie Ash and Rick Tesler." The person says as they clapped loudly. "Knock em dead." Lynne says as me and Damian chuckled at her.

Me and Lynne cheered loudly then anyone as Erick and Damian chuckled at us. They waved and skated back over to us. "Awesome girl!" Lynne says squeezing her. "A wonderful performance, Next Lynne West and Erick Sulten." The person says. "Good luck." I say hugging her as they skated on the ice. Damian wrapped his arms around me. "Next is us." He whispers. "I won't drop you." He says with a chuckle. "I know." I say kissing his cheek as he smiled at me.

Rosalie clapped loudly as we all laughed. They skated back over to us. "What an amazing performance, Now for the last dance of the night is Kalila Eddison and Damian Wayne." The person says as he grabbed my hand with a smile as we skated on the ice. They cheered loudly as I chuckled.

People cheered and clapped loudly as Damian hugged me tightly as we skated off. "Damn you to are amazing!" Lynne says as Damian kissed me softly and breaks away as I hugged him tightly.

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