Chapter 37~Ending

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Kalilas POV
I've been avoiding Damian since we woke up. I couldn't bring myself to tell him and it's killing me. I know he doesn't want kids right now and I don't want him to leave me. I told Lynne and Rosalie why when I woke up and they looked at me concerned but I didn't pay attention. I went to the secret room only I know about and looked out the window.

Damian's POV
Something is seriously wrong with Kalila. I walked up to Lynne. "Lynne do you know what's wrong with Kalila?" I ask very concerned. "I can't tell you, But she's all the way at the top first door." She says softly as I ran upstairs quickly.

Kalilas POV
I take a deep breath as I look at the view. "Kalila!" Damian says concerned as he hugged me tightly. "Please tell me what's wrong." He whispers. "I-I can't." I say looking away. He makes me look at him softly. "Kalila, Nothing you say would ever make me leave you." He whispers looking in my eyes extremely concerned.

I mumbled it and he kissed me deeply and passionately making me very shocked as he breaks away slowly. "Why didn't you tell me earlier that's good news." He whispers. "Because were 18 and that's crazy." I say nervously as I started rambling again and he cut me off by kissing me full of love. "Hey, I know what I said, But I would never leave you alone by yourself with this." He whispers looking in my eyes as he read my emotions easily. I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back just as much as he calmed down a bit more.

Damian's POV
She's Pregnant.... I had to let that sink in for a minute. I can see why she was nervous to tell me cause of what I said but I'd never leave her alone with our child, I would never do that my entire life. Her heart was still beating fast from her being nervous still as I rub her back to calm her down. How am I gonna tell father about this? I don't regret anything that happened but still. I never seen her this nervous and I read her thoughts and I know why. I hugged her tighter not hurting her as she buried her face in my shoulder.

Kalilas POV
It's been a few days and I calmed down a bit more but I'm nervous about telling my mom and Bruce especially. Damian wraps his arms around me from behind. "Calm down, Could hurt it." He whispers with a small chuckle as I lean into him. "Sorry just a bit scared." I say truthfully. "Don't be you have nothing to worry about." He whispers kissing my neck a few times.

My mother been had my little sister Aria, She's 4 now and she knows who I am. "I just don't want to go to Gotham again to be honest." I mumble thinking of all the memories. I sensed he smiled softly. "Then will see your mother first." He whispers in my ear. I chuckled and kissed his cheek as we teleported inside. "Sissy!" Aria shouts as she jumps on me. "You are getting heavy."

I say with a giggle as I throw her on the couch as she giggled and landed perfectly. Damian chuckled at me. "Hey Kalila." Mom says hugging me tightly. "What are you too doing here?" She asks. Then I got nervous. "Uh well." I say a bit nervously. "I know, I'm not mad calm down." I nearly choke as Damian chuckled at me. "Your my Daughter I know." Mom says with a chuckle as she hugged me tightly. "Sissy look!" Aria says showing me a drawing.

I chucked as she handed it to me. I snicker. "Well mom good job, She drew you too kissing." I say with a laugh as Mike clears his throat nervously. "Yucky." She says as Damian chucked at her. I smirk. "Don't you dare." My mother says to me as I laughed as Damian smirked at me. "What she's smart I bet she's gonna know at 12." I say with a smirk as Damian chuckled at me.

She jumped on me as I picked her up. She got brown hair and these Lime green eyes. "Still don't know why she has those bright eyes." My mother says as Damian looked at them. "Like me, You and my dad didn't have Ice blue eyes." I say with a smirk as I put Aria down. "That is because you have your great grandmas eyes." She says as Damian smiled at me. "Well we should go."

I say hugging her. "Your leaving sissy?" Aria asks sadly. I smiled at picked her up. "How about this, I'll visit you in a few days, Ok?" I say. "Ok!" She say excitedly as she wrapped her little arms around my neck. I put her down as me and Damian walked out. He grabbed my hand tightly as we started walking. I smirked as Damian chuckled at me. "Your gonna scare Jason aren't you?"

He asks with a smirk. I nodded as he chuckled he walked in and I teleported behind Jason as he jumped as Everyone laughed. He didn't see Damian walking in like everyone else. "I am seriously gonna hurt you one day." He says giving me a hug as I smirk. "You'll say it and not do it though." I say with a smirk as Dick snickered. Bruce chuckled at me. "So why you to here?" Dick asks stretching.

Bruce's POV
I wasn't mad at them but Kalila teleported out since she got a call which made Jason chuckle. "She better not come back in a few seconds behind me." He says as everyone laughed. We talked to Damian about this since Kalila was outside since I seen her.

Kalilas POV
I take a deep breath. "You think you can control your powers, I'll always find you Kalila, And once that child is born, it'll get the exact same of "experiments" done to it." Bane says darkly as he was in front me. I called Arkham on him and they took him out the backyard. "You can't protect it forever." He says darkly as Arkham hauled him away. Damian squeezed me tightly.

They saw everything. "I'm fine." I say with my eyes locked on Arkham driving away. "Your obviously not Fine your eyes are a bit black." Bruce says. I calm my eyes down and they go back to normal. "See, Fine." I say taking a deep breath. "That won't happen." Dick says as he stopped me from doing something to him. "I know it won't happen, Believe me." I say sternly as I looked at Arkham in the distance.

Damian's POV
It's been 5 months since then and since our daughter is half demon like me she came early. I was in the hospital with Erick. "We both fucked up." He says as I chuckled. "Completely." I say as we both laughed. I was for once in my life completely nervous. "Dude, Chill, There both gonna be fine." Erick says with a chuckle.

The doctor walked in. "Your girlfriend and daughter are both fine, But she's sleeping so be quiet." He says as I nodded. We followed the doctor and I chuckled once I seen how exhausted she was. The doctor handed me my daughter as he smiled and walked out. Wow... "Kalila told me to take a picture of you so." He says as he took a picture as I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

She had a few adorable freckles like Kalila which made me smile. She looked like both of us equally except for her red hair, Guessing since she's half demon her hairs red, My great aunt has red hair. "I am gonna kick your ass if this shit happens again." Kalila says as I chuckled at her a bit.

Kalilas POV
He handed me our daughter as I smiled softly. "Awe Sis!" Erick jokes with a smile as he took a picture as I rolled my eyes. "Lynne's next you know." I say as he got nervous as Damian smirked at him. Her eyes opened and me and Damian smiled. Her eyes were a mix of brown and green sorta like Damian's. "What you want to name her?" Damian asks kissing my forehead.

She grabbed my finger as I smiled at her. "Camila." I say making him smile. "Perfect one in Arabic." He says with a chuckle as Erick smiled at her. His eyes sparkled as we kiss softly and break away. "Can't wait to see what happens to this little cutie." Erick says touching her hair a bit. "Nu uh, No dating till she is 18." He says as I smack him with a giggle. "Depends." He says nodding as I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek.

ENDING!!! Ok so there will be a Second story about Camila and Lynne's daughter with a few new people as well😏 So look forward to that😏

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