Chapter 11~Damian

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Kalilas POV
We break away very slowly as we stared in each other's eyes. His eyes were sparkling and so were mine. I giggled which made him smile at me. I hugged him as he hugged me back softly. We broke away as my phone buzzed. I check my messages. I sigh annoyed. "What?" He asks. I show him the message as he chuckled. "She's going on a 'mini vacation' with Mike for a month, And Jeffry's going with them."

I say annoyed. "I'll ask father if you can stay, I don't trust you by yourself." He says serious as he caresses my cheek. "Alright, Dami." I say with a giggle as he smiled and kissed my cheek. He grabbed my hand as we started walking.

Talias POV
"The girl has quite an accent, Must not be from Gotham." Dad says. "We need information on her, Cause Damian's Soulmate could get him to come back here if she wanted him too." I say as we started using the security camera on mute and pressed the girl. We were shocked. "Kalila Eddison, 15 And from New England." I say a tiny bit impressed. "Her grandparents are from the same place we are."

Dad says shocked. "She has Arabic in her blood this is great news!" I say as he nodded. "Because she can be powerful." He says. "Exactly!" I say. "Stop, Seems here she's been used for experiments with rare diseases but was a cover from Bane, He wants to use her powers and make her a destroying weapon." He says as my eyes widened. "That's why Damian wants her safe,

He truly cares about her as much as she does him." I say softly. "There not just Soulmates, They truly love each other." I say with a small chuckle. "HES NOT SUPPOSE TO FEEL FEELINGS!" I shout angrily. "ENOUGH!" Father shouts. "Talia he's not you, He's a human with Demon Blood, We're Demons, You can't spilt them apart cause she's his Soulmate and his True Love,

Maybe you can't recognize it cause you've never been in Love! You just used Bruce to get Damian, So just give it a rest!" He shouts angrily. "We're not forcing him to do anything, And as your boss that is a order Talia." He says looking at me sternly. "Yes, Father." I say walking away quickly.

Kalilas POV
"Of course you can stay, Your always welcome." Bruce says with a smile. "Lily!" Jason says squeezing me. I knee him in the area as Bruce and Dick smirked at him. "My names not Lily, Get it right." I say with a smirk as Bruce chuckled at me. My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

I roll my eyes annoyed. "She's drunk." I say annoyed as they laughed and nodded. My phone buzzed again. I turned it off as me and Damian went to his room as he closed the door gently. He seemed off about something as he sat on his bed at the end. "You ok?" I ask sitting next to him. "Fine, Just has a flashback of something."

He says a bit softly. "Of what?" I ask softly grabbing his hand. I know he was thinking of yelling at me but he didn't do it. "I had a flashback of what my mother use to do when I unfortunately got something wrong." He says as I looked at him a bit concerned.
Bruce was spying.

"What did she do?" I ask cautiously cause I know how he is. "Safae washarayih." (Slapped and sliced.) my eyes widened as I hugged him tightly as he hugged me back. "Hey, Being slapped and sliced is nothing then getting millions of needles injected into your skin in a day that make you do things." I say feeling my arms. "Even if he did other things." I mumble feeling my neck as he looked at me. "But, Your not there anymore, Your at this place." I say motioning to the manor. He rolled his eyes and hugged me as I hug him back.

Bruce's POV
No wonder he has not much emotions. But he definitely does for Kalila. She understood him when he talked in Arabic, I'll have to ask him about that later. "Alfred you don't have to fix a room, Those two won't do anything." I whisper as we looked at the two talking. "Do you think he'll tell her about what you two do master Bruce?" Alfred asks whispering. "That's his decision, But she wouldn't say anything about it though, I can tell." I whisper as he nodded as we left them alone.

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