Chapter 23~Unexpected News

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Kalilas POV
My eyes opened and I was in my room they gave me. I stretch and sat up. I pick the note up. Father wanted me down in the cave so I carried you back to your room, I'll see you later tonight.
I smiled and made it disappear. I changed and fixed my hair. I walked downstairs. "Hey Blondey." Jason says with a smirk as I roll my eyes. "Jason stop messing with Kalila."

Dick says hugging me tightly as I chuckled. "So what does little demon say about us?" Dick asks. I shrug with a smirk.
Bruce was spying on them.
Jason smirked. "That's cause we're not in his thoughts when Kalilas here." He says. "What about Stephanie hmm?" I ask as Dick laughed at him as he blushed. "What did she tell you?" He asks nervously. "Plenty, She does not shut up about that." I say as Dick snickered and messed up his hair as he looked away nervously. My phone buzzed. "Gotta go." I say. "Where you going?"

Dick asks. "Lynne wants me to go to the mall which I don't want to do but I'm not staying here talking to you too." I say with a smirk. "Damn, That hurt." Jason says wiping a fake tear away. "I got a life, Do you have a life besides Stephanie?" I ask with a smirk as Dick started laughing his ass off. "And besides this." I say motioning to the manor. I smirked as he was speechless. "That's exactly what I thought." I say with a smirk as I walk off sassily.

Dicks POV
I was laughing my ass of as Alfred chuckled at me. "Damn she got you." I say with a smirk. "Do you have a life Dick?" Jason asks me with a smirk. "Yes, Kori, And I actually got a job recently." I say with a smirk as Alfred and Bruce chuckled at Jason. "And your 17 with what?" I ask.

He rolled his eyes annoyed as Bruce chuckled at him. "Even Demons girlfriend has a life not around here, She's gonna be a famous dancer and your probably still gonna be here." I say smirking as Bruce chuckled at me. "Hey, for your information I got a plan, Just don't know what it is yet, Damn..." He mumbles as everyone laughed.

Kalilas POV
"Girl Jason doesn't have a life?" She asks with a laugh. "None all he got is Stephanie." I say as she laughed. "That is sad." She says with a smirk. She squealed once she saw the dance competition. "Girl let's go!" She says excitedly as she dragged me over to the people. "Hi ladies are you to entering the competition?" The lady asks smiling at us. "My best friend is."

She says pushing me with a huge smile. "I don't even have anything planned." I say with a chuckle as I looked at the lady. "Your Kalila Eddison, The one mentioned in the music festival!" A person says excitedly. "Yes that's me." I say with a chuckle. "Well a dancer as good as you can think of a dance in no time." The lady says putting my name down. I looked and Lynne and she nodded excitedly. "Alright I'm in, Only if you and Rosalie dance with me." I say. They looked at each other. "We're in." They say as everyone clapped.

Dicks POV
"Hey check this out." I say as everyone came to the tv. "Isn't that in the mall?" Damian asks. "It's a dance competition, And I know Lynne's making your girlfriend dance." I say as everyone chuckled. "Ok so 3rd group Kalila, Lynne, and Rosalie, And since each dance is 52 seconds let's see what they came up with." The lady says. "Knowing her it's gonna be crazy." Jason says as everyone laughed

Kalilas POV
We got on stage as they clapped. The music started. Top. I couldn't keep a straight face at the end as Lynne laughed as we got off stage. Everyone cheered loudly as I laughed. We ended up winning the competition and a mad Ashlyn. We were walking down the street laughing.
With Bruce and Damian spying for they're night patrol.
"What made you choose that song?" She asks. "I have no idea to be honest." I say as we both laughed. "Ashlyn really doesn't like you it seems." She says. I shrug. "Well she punched me in the face the second day I was in Gotham for something I can't remember." I say as she nodded. "But I'm not worried about it."

I say fixing my hair. "You need a hair cut look at this hair." She says flipping my hair. It almost reached my butt. "I will in a few days when my mothers hopefully out the hospital." I say annoyed. "Yeah the news thing." She says. "That news always in people business." I say annoyed. "This city is full of drama, especially all of that."

She says pointing to the thugs and drug dealers smoking. "Was New England like this?" She asks. "Completely different, It was very colorful and full of nature, Even if there was a creepy Asylum there." I say shivering. "There's insane people there?" She asks shocked. "Not like the ones here,

Just mental problems, Although there was this one person who claimed she was Beyoncé." I say as we both laughed. "You been in there?" She asks a bit shocked. "Yeah, My dad sorta was the scientist there trying to cure them but you know." I say as she nodded understanding.

I felt my neck as she looked away. "I don't miss that place but I do miss New England everyday." I say softly. "It sounds amazing, Besides that Asylum thing." She says creeped out. "It was." I say with a small smile. "Hopefully I'll go back there someday." I say changing the subject. My phone buzzed. "Doctor Herald." I say as she went quiet. My eyes widened. "She's in a what?" I ask trying to calm my heart down. "I'll be right there." I say hanging up. "I'll go with you." She says as we ran to the hospital.

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